Dec 27, 2016 0 0 Why don’t I get properly translated program output after installing the corresponding language pack? Raymond Chen There's localization and there's localization.
Dec 20, 2016 0 0 If you ask robocopy to destroy the destination, then it will destroy the destination Raymond Chen Be careful what you ask for. You might get it.
Dec 13, 2016 0 0 Can a server-side Web application trigger the creation of thumbs.db files? Raymond Chen Probably not.
Dec 6, 2016 0 0 How can I reset a PC if I forgot the administrator password? Raymond Chen What I reboot three times is true.
Nov 14, 2016 0 0 What does the shield over a WiFi network mean? Raymond Chen It means that the network is not secure.
Nov 8, 2016 0 0 Why do my file creation, access, or modified time disappear if I set it to midnight on January 1, 1980? Raymond Chen Mind the epoch.
Sep 13, 2016 0 1 What are these ghost drivers named dump_diskdump.sys and other dump_*.sys that didn’t come from any file? Raymond Chen Send in the clones.
Aug 30, 2016 0 0 What is the NTDiskQuotaSidCache.ndx file for? Raymond Chen It's the SID cache for the disk quota control panel.
Aug 16, 2016 0 2 There are really only two effectively distinct settings for the UAC slider Raymond Chen Off and on.