Showing results for Other - The Old New Thing

Jul 2, 2004

Being in upper management must damage certain portions of your brain

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The air must be thinner the higher up the management chain you go, or maybe it just gives you more opportunities to look stupid. Like this message: From: <some upper manager> Subject: <some subject> I will try to keep this relatively brief as I know how busy everyone is. <... 4-page message follows...> If this i...

Jun 29, 2004

You can already see the bug report that led to this dialog box

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

It's like stupid warning labels on consumer products: Once you read the warning label, you can already imagine the lawsuit that required the warning label to be written in the first place. Use that same imagination to interpret this Windows XP SP2 setup error message. [Dumb typo in title fixed 7:43am.]

Jun 25, 2004

The suggestion box is now open

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Please post suggestions for future topics in the suggestion box instead of posting off-topic comments. Note that the suggestion box is emptied and read periodically so don't be surprised if your suggestion vanishes.And now that there's a suggestion box, I'm going to prune off-topic comments more aggresively.

Jun 18, 2004

Tweaked comment policy

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Along the navband on the left hand side is a link to the comment policy. The most significant change since its first release is that I introduced the two-week rule. As a general rule, comments posted more than two weeks after the article publication are eligible for summary deletion. It's great that you're all interested n stuff, but havi...

Jun 9, 2004

What are these directories called 0409 and 1033?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A reader asked, I was wondering why it's common for some Microsoft products to have a directory called "1033" within it's program directory installation location? What does it mean? This reader was probably from the United States, because 1033 is the locale identifier for "English (United States)", whose hexadecimal value is 0x0409. You...

May 19, 2004

Beware the hash reset attack

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

There are a variety of message digest algorithms out there, MD5 being a particularly popular one. These generate a "message digest" (essentially, a hash) so you can detect whether somebody has tampered with a file, the theory being that it's hard to tamper with a file without changing its hash. But make sure you record the file size as well as t...

May 17, 2004

When do you put … after a button or menu?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

When do you put "..." after a button or menu? For example, some menus say "Save as..." and some buttons say "Customize...". What is the rule for dots? Many people believe that the rule for dots is "If it's going to display a dialog, then you need dots." This is a misapprehension. The rules are spelled out in the Windows User Interface D...

May 14, 2004

When do you disable an option and when do you remove it?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

When you're displaying a menu item or a dialog option, and the option is not available, you can either disable it or you can remove it. What is the rule for deciding which one to do? Experiments have shown that if something is shown but disabled, users expect that they will be able to get it enabled if they tinker around enough. So leave a...

May 13, 2004

Thinking through a feature

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The commentary after my entry on taskbar grouping drifted into people asking for still more features in taskbar grouping. Writing the code is the easy part. Designing a feature is hard. You have several audiences to consider. It's not just about the alpha geeks; you have to worry about the grandmothers, the office workers, the IT dep...

May 12, 2004

Is your web site an open relay?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

As if there isn't enough to worry about. Everyone knows about the dangers of open SMTP relays. But how many people realize the dangers of an open HTTP relay? Many web sites do arbitrary redirection. If I were a spammer, I could create a link to myself that redirects through some well-known web sites, thereby granting my spam link false aut...
