Jul 29, 2022 0 1 The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 4: Addition and subtraction Raymond Chen Starting with the basic arithmetic.
Jul 28, 2022 0 4 The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 3: Addressing modes Raymond Chen The ways of accessing memory.
Jul 27, 2022 3 2 The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 2: Extended register operations Raymond Chen The weird ways of transforming the value in a register.
Jul 26, 2022 4 9 The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 1: Introduction Raymond Chen Make it a double.
Jul 25, 2022 6 2 Yes, the 8086 wanted to be mechanically translatable from the 8080, but why not add the ability to indirect through AX, CX and DX? Raymond Chen So many addressing modes, so little space.
Jun 7, 2022 9 1 How to write like Raymond: Contacting another team for the first time Raymond Chen Flattery will get you in the door.
Apr 26, 2022 9 4 Be careful with that thing, it’s a confidential coffee maker Raymond Chen Just keep it under wraps.
Apr 19, 2022 10 0 The Applesoft Compiler (TASC): We have the source code, in a sense Raymond Chen The desperation of programming under tight memory constraints.
Mar 29, 2022 29 0 Why are there separate Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories? Raymond Chen Why can't we just combine them?
Feb 8, 2022 3 2 The cats sitting on a fence in early builds of Windows 8 Raymond Chen Something to look at when all is lost.