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The Old New Thing
Practical development throughout the evolution of Windows.
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Understanding hash codes

On more than one occasion, I've seen someone ask a question like this: I have some procedure that generates strings dynamically, and I want a formula that takes a string and produces a small unique identifer for that string (a hash code), such that two identical strings have the same identifier, and that if two strings are different, then they will have different identifiers. I tried String.GetHashCode(), but there were occasional collisions. Is there a way to generate a hash code that guarantees uniqueness? If you can restrict the domain of the strings you're hashing, you can sometimes squeak out uniqueness...

On the adult appeal of dodgeball

NPR's Only a Game recently covered the rise of adult dodgeball. At MSN's tenth birthday party last week, there was a wide variety of entertainment options, the highlight of which appeared to be an organized dodgeball tournament. It was very well attended and didn't have the ego-damaging overtones you got from elementary school. A good time was had by all. The Senior Vice President of MSN happens also to have been the development manager of Windows 95, so he made the generous gesture of inviting the members of the Windows 95 team to his group's birthday party. (Since the remaining members of the ...

Program names in file type handlers need to be fully-qualified

Most people probably haven't noticed this, but there was a change to the requirements for file type handlers that arrived with Windows XP SP 2: Paths to programs now must be fully-qualified if they reside in a directory outside of the Windows directory and the System directory. The reason for this is security with a touch of predictability thrown in. Security, because one of the places that the function searches is the current directory, and it searches the current directory before searching standard system directories or the PATH. This means that somebody can attack you by creating a file like s...

Why is the default console codepage called “OEM”?

Because it once was, though no longer is.

If you squint you might be able to make out my name

Late Tuesday night, Jenny Lam, the creative director for this year's PDC, came by our hallway and asked for permission to rummage through our offices for "stuff". They were looking for props to use to decorate a developer's cubicle in a video they were filming for the conference. I was able to loan her a framed letter of appreciation and my pass to the Windows 2000 launch. I used to have a lot more junk in my office, but I went on a cleaning binge during our last office move and the really cool mementos ended up at my house. If you watch the movie and squint you might be able to make out my name on the pers...

Free bicycles to borrow at Marymoor Park

Marymoor Park just keeps getting better. Just this year, they added a little Subway sandwich shop, so you don't even have to pack for a picnic in the park. Next, free Wi-Fi (sponsored by MSN). Then movies in the park (sponsored by First Tech Credit Union). The latest addition is free bicycles (sponsored by Dasani). Show a photo ID and you get a cardkey that gives you access to one-speed coaster-brake bicycles you can borrow for the day.

Windows 95 crashes a cash register

Not everything related to the Windows 95 launch went well. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that a local CompUSA store found that their cash registers crashed at midnight, forcing eager customers to wait ninety minutes before the problem could be resolved. The cause: A bug in the cash register software which had lain undiscovered because the store had never stayed open past midnight before! And there was the the launch of Mindows 95 in Hong Kong. Not one to sit by and miss out on all the attention, Apple responded with its absolutely brilliant counter-advertisement.

Marymoor Park summer movie series 2005 is nearly over

Every Wednesday evening in August of this year, Marymoor Park will be showing a movie. Tonight's movie is Bend It Like Beckham. The movie begins at dusk, and a $5 donation is suggested, proceeds to be shared between the park and a local charity. The charity tends to be thematically related to the movie; for Beckham, for example, part of the money will go to the Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association.