The Old New Thing

Meta-content: Suggestion Box 4 will open sometime next year

Yesterday, I finished composing the last entry taken from an item in Suggestion Box 3. My prediction that the backlog would clear in early 2010 was off by exactly one year: The last Suggestion Box 3 entry is scheduled to be posted on January 3, 2011. I figure I'll open Suggestion Box 4 sometimes next year. But I'll leave it ...

My phone just DoS'd my office network

The other day I was working in my office minding my own business when I suddenly lost network connectivity. I couldn't contact any machines other than the ones in my office. When this happens, I go through some basic troubleshooting steps. Is my neighbor's network okay? How about power-cycling the affected machines? Refreshing the TCP/IP ...

City noises and their effects on songbirds

Robins in Sheffield sing at night because it's too noisy in the daytime. That reminds me that when I was in Antigua, Guatemala, I was told that the songbirds in the city have started mimicking car alarms. Apparently this is also happening in Oregon with birds mimicking car alarms and cell phone ring tones...

The operating system doesn't know which language programs are written in – by the time the code hits the CPU, they all look the same

Reader Will Rayer asks about "the degree to which 'plain vanilla' C Windows API code works under Vista with the native look and feel." It works just as well as code written in any other language. The operating system doesn't know which language programs are written in. By the time the code reaches the CPU, they all look the same. It's just ...

Restating the obvious about the WM_NOTIFY message

It appears that people seemed to appreciate restating the obvious about the message, so I'll try it again with the message. The message is typically used by a control to communicate with its parent, either to provide information, request it, or both. Although that is the typical use, there are exceptions. For example, property sheets ...

Why does Windows wait longer than my screen saver idle timeout before starting the screen saver?

You may find yourself in a situation where Windows takes longer than your specified screen saver idle timeout to start the screen saver. First of all, there are ways for programs to block the screen saver entirely. Calling , is how a program says, "Even though there is no mouse or keyboard input, the screen is indeed in use, so don't blank it...

There's no law that says a meeting can't end early

Meetings run over all the time. In fact, you might say that that's their natural state. Meetings think gases are lazy. Whereas a gas expands to fill its container, a meeting expands to exceed the size of its container. It requires good management skills to keep all your meetings on schedule. And it takes great management skills to get them ...

Microspeak: Action on

I have been fortunate to have been spared exposure to this particular corner of Microspeak, but others have not been so lucky. Have you actioned on this ask? It's not clear whether actioning on something means that you've started it or you've finished it. As a result, this is another case of using jargon to impede communication. The ...