The Old New Thing

How to write like Raymond: Start a sentence with a question mark

Another installment in the extremely sporadic series on how to write like Raymond. I use the question mark as an emoticon to indicate befuddlement or confusion. (This is not to be confused with the use of an inverted question mark in Spanish.) Here's an imaginary example: To: Cakes and Cookies Discussion Hi, I'm trying to bake a carrot ...

Leaving Reflections | Projections 2009, travel marathon part two

Thanks, everybody, for coming out to the Job Fair and attending my talk at Reflections | Projections 2009. Though I should have predicted that scheduling a talk on Saturday morning means that attendance will be somewhat sparse. Thanks to the conference staff with special shout-outs to Kim Vlcek, Bhargav Nookala, Jim Wordelman, and Matt ...

Thinking inside the box

Commenter Nick asks whether any though has been given to running applications in a sandbox where they are given access only to their installation directory, My Documents, and a handful of other directories and registry keys. "I feel that this would seriously prevent viruses/spyware from being as effective, and apps would not be able to dump ...

Arrived in Urbana-Champaign for Reflections|Projections 2009

Today was a long travel day. I left my office at 9:30am to catch the bus from Redmond to downtown Seattle, then took the train to the Tukwila station, then took the shuttle bus to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (because Airport Station doesn't open until later this year), then flew to Chicago O'Hare airport, and then drove to Urbana-...

Important window message numbers to memorize

You probably know them already, but if you're new to Win32, here are some key window messages. I would normally suggest that you commit them to memory, but if you do enough debugging, you'll end up memorizing them anyway because you see them all the time. I include in the list even though it is a low-traffic message because you do see it a ...

Don't use global state to manage a local problem, practical exam

There was much speculation as to how the "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange" setting got set. Well, one possibility is that somebody used global state to manage a local problem. "Why on earth does this setting exist?" I don't know, but there appear to be scripts which rely on it. The setting is exposed to scripts, ...

Viral video: Pianotrappan

Yes, it's an advertisement for Volkswagen, but still, it's a fun video, and it features Scarlatti's keyboard sonata in C (K159) as a bonus. Even the old guy who shuffles along slowly at 1:23 tries the stairs. Double bonus: You can watch the original Swedish version...

When you want to pass a parameter on the command line, don't forget to pass the parameter on the command line

This happens to me, too. I once got so distracted by the process of purchasing some tickets in person, choosing the performance date and the seats, fumbling for my credit card, signing the receipt, and when I was done, I left the ticket booth without my tickets! Here is a question that came in from a customer. The details have been changed ...

You always hurt the things you love

I've tried all sorts of miniature headphones, and the only ones that I like are the ones that come with my Zune. What makes them special? They fit and don't fall out. I try not to be too demanding. But the other day, I was getting out of my car, and due to a badly-stowed Zune, the headphones dangled out of my pocket and got caught in the ...

Why do we have import libraries anyway?

Last time we looked at the classical model for linking as groundwork for answering Adam's question why do we need import libraries? Why can't all the type information be encoded in the export table? At the time the model for DLLs was being developed, the classical model still was the primary means by which linking was performed. Men were ...