Aug 19, 2021 2 1 What is the deal with the SM_CXCURSOR system metric? Raymond Chen A metric from an earlier, simpler time.
Aug 18, 2021 4 0 What’s with all of the references to “dude” in the accessibility header files? Raymond Chen A catch phrase from long ago.
Aug 17, 2021 2 0 Is it expected that custom default pinned taskbar items via LayoutModification.xml keep coming back each time the user logs on? Raymond Chen Yes, so you need to plan accordingly.
Aug 16, 2021 9 0 What are these dire multithreading consequences that the GetFullPathName documentation is trying to warn me about? Raymond Chen The current directory is volatile, so plan accordingly.
Aug 13, 2021 0 0 Resolving the ambiguity when your C++ class inherits from multiple base classes that have the same method Raymond Chen Steer the compiler toward the method you want.
Aug 12, 2021 8 0 How can I find the heap that a memory block originally came from, so I can free it properly? Raymond Chen You'll have to keep track of it yourself.
Aug 11, 2021 1 0 How can I prevent my UWP app from showing up in the Start menu? Raymond Chen Deny its app list entry.
Aug 10, 2021 1 0 Why did the old RAID database use a signed 16-bit integer for its record count? Why not unsigned, or a 32-bit integer? Raymond Chen You have to understand decisions in context, and that includes knowing the problem it was trying to solve.
Aug 9, 2021 1 0 Why am I getting a weird error about promise_type when I try to write a coroutine? Raymond Chen Digging into the coroutine infrastructure for the answer.
Aug 6, 2021 0 0 Using Windows Runtime interop methods from C++/WinRT: Some helper functions Raymond Chen Getting the interface, and the capturing from it.