Jan 15, 2021 6 0 The perils of the accidental C++ conversion constructor Raymond Chen Single-parameter constructors are also conversions.
Jan 14, 2021 9 0 How can I write a C++ class that iterates over its base classes? Raymond Chen Variadic templates to the rescue.
Jan 13, 2021 1 0 The misleading MIDL error message: MIDL5023: The arguments to the parameterized interface are not valid Raymond Chen They aren't valid, but then again, nothing would have been.
Jan 12, 2021 2 0 Why am I receiving SHCNE_UPDATEDIR notifications that my code never generates? Raymond Chen You did generate them, indirectly.
Jan 11, 2021 4 0 How did I find the old Windows binaries and compilers for the processor retrospective series? Raymond Chen Going through old virtual boxes of stuff.
Jan 8, 2021 1 0 The case of the crash during the release of an object from an unloaded DLL during apartment rundown Raymond Chen The great escape from the confines of the custom COM context.
Jan 7, 2021 0 0 What happens if I give contradictory values for the stack commit and stack reserve? Raymond Chen The system will try to massage the values into something less unreasonable.
Jan 6, 2021 6 0 How can I tell whether my process is running as SYSTEM? Raymond Chen Check your token.
Jan 5, 2021 1 0 Additional helpful pseudo-handles: The process token, the thread token, and the effective token Raymond Chen For quick queries.
Jan 4, 2021 8 0 How can I write a program that monitors another window for a change in size or position? Raymond Chen Accessibility hooks come to the rescue once again.