Mar 17, 2020 15 0 We called it RAID because it kills bugs dead Raymond Chen The history of defect tracking databases in Windows.
Mar 16, 2020 3 0 The Windows Runtime IDL compiler lets you abbreviate some interface names Raymond Chen But only a few of them.
Mar 13, 2020 0 0 Providing a better error message when someone tries to use std::vector<bool> as a buffer Raymond Chen Defer the problem further.
Mar 12, 2020 1 0 Of what use is a type-dependent expression that is always false? Raymond Chen Deferring an assertion to instantiation.
Mar 11, 2020 2 0 How can I create a type-dependent expression that is always false? Raymond Chen Use information that you know to be true (or false).
Mar 10, 2020 10 0 The sad but short story of the SM_AccessoriesName registry value Raymond Chen Another victim of programs that reach into undocumented sections of the registry.
Mar 9, 2020 13 0 Why does MS-DOS put an int 20h at byte 0 of the COM file program segment? Raymond Chen In case you end up there, but how?
Mar 6, 2020 6 0 Why do people take a lock around CreateProcess calls? Raymond Chen Managing your inheritance.
Mar 5, 2020 0 0 Can I wait for a kernel event to become unsignaled? Raymond Chen Not directly, but maybe you can simulate it.
Mar 4, 2020 16 0 Meet me here on Savvyday 29 Oatmeal 94 Raymond Chen InternetTimeToSystemTime tries really hard to make sense out of that sentence.