Apr 14, 2017 0 0 How can I atomically leave a critical section and delete it? Raymond Chen Even if you could, it wouldn't help you.
Apr 13, 2017 0 0 Can memcpy go into an infinite loop? Why is it being blamed for a busy hang? Raymond Chen Look at the bigger picture.
Apr 12, 2017 0 0 How do I get the current directory for a non-current drive? Raymond Chen GetFullPathName will tell you.
Apr 10, 2017 0 0 When I enable page heap, why is my one-byte buffer overrun not detected immediately? Raymond Chen I thought that was the point of page heap.
Apr 7, 2017 0 0 If I have a thread waiting on an event, and I call SetEvent immediately followed by ResetEvent, is the waiting thread guaranteed to be released? Raymond Chen Congratulations, you reinvented PulseEvent.
Apr 6, 2017 0 1 What can I do if I want to throw a C++ exception from my InitOnce callback? Raymond Chen There's the naïve solution and a sneakier one.
Apr 5, 2017 0 3 How do I programmatically obtain the user’s selected accent color in Windows 10? Raymond Chen It's in the UISettings object.
Apr 4, 2017 0 0 Microspeak: snap Raymond Chen To take a snapshot of the source code in order to produce a build.
Apr 3, 2017 0 0 How do I create a shortcut in the Send To menu that runs a program with a command line option? Raymond Chen Put the option in the shortcut target.