Showing results for 2015 - Page 23 of 28 - The Old New Thing

Mar 16, 2015

Does the CLR really call CoInitializeEx on the first call to unmanaged code, even if you don't deal with COM at all and are just calling native code via p/invoke?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Some time ago, I called out this part of the documentation regarding managed and unmanaged threading: On the first call to unmanaged code, the runtime calls Co­Initialize­Ex to initialize the COM apartment as either an MTA or an STA apartment. You can control the type of apartment created by setting the System.Threading.ApartmentState ...

Mar 10, 2015

The more times you use the word "simply" in your instructions, the more I suspect you don't know what that word means

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I was helping somebody look up how to enable frobbing for widgets, and I found one set of instructions on a blog somewhere. To be honest, this happened long enough ago that I forgot what it was exactly, but here's something that captures the general spirit: First, check whether your widget supports frobbing. To do this, simply run this command ...
