Showing results for 2013 - Page 34 of 35 - The Old New Thing

Jan 21, 2013

The changing name of the Microsoft event held in conjunction with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday in the United States honoring the civil rights leader and formally serving as a day to reflect on the principles of racial equality and nonviolent social change and more generally to honor Dr. King's legacy through service. At Microsoft, the day has been recognized with an event whose na...

Jan 18, 2013

What is this rogue version 1.0 of the HTML clipboard format?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

At least as of the time this article was originally written, the HTML clipboard format is officially at version 0.9. A customer observed that sometimes they received HTML clipboard data that marked itself as version 1.0 and wanted to know where they could find documentation on that version. As far as I can tell, there is no official version 1.0...

Jan 17, 2013

A brief history of the GetEnvironmentStrings functions

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The Get­Environment­Strings function has a long and troubled history. The first bit of confusion is that the day it was introduced in Windows NT 3.1, it was exported funny. The UNICODE version was exported under the name Get­Environment­StringsW, but the ANSI version was exported under the name Get­Environment­...

Jan 16, 2013

How do I create a TaskDialog with a progress bar but no cancel button?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A developer from another group within Microsoft wanted to create a with a progress bar, but they couldn't figure out how to get rid of the Cancel button. "Is there a way to remove all the buttons from a Task Dialog?" Um, users hate it when you give them a window that cannot be closed or cancelled. What should the user do if the reticulatio...

Jan 15, 2013

If there were some sort of award for alternative commuting, we would’ve been eligible

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A few projects ago, I worked on a team whose members came to work by a wide variety of modes. If there were some sort of award for alternative commuting, we would've been eligible. One of the full-time telecommuters was based in Spain, which was handy because he was available to deal with issues that cropped up while everybody in Redmond was s...

Jan 14, 2013

State law requires you to watch this video of a singing hippo

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I did it briefly a few years ago, but I'm going to make it a regular Monday feature, at least for this year: Blogging my dreams. I dreamed that I was back in my high school English class, and due to some new state law, everybody was required to watch this video of a singing hippo. The hard part was walking four miles to the nearest viewing locat...

Jan 14, 2013

How can I write a script that finds my top-rated photos?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it up, but I'm going to see if I can make Monday "Little Programs" day, where I solve simple problems with little programs. Today's little program is a script that goes through your Pictures folder and picks out your top-rated photos. The key step here is extracting the rating, which goes by the name Syste...

Jan 11, 2013

Understanding errors in classical linking: The delay-load catch-22

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Wrapping up our week of understanding the classical model for linking, we'll put together all the little pieces we've learned this week to puzzle out a linker problem: The delay-load catch-22. You do some code cleanup, then rebuild your project, and you get LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:SHLWAPI ignored; no imports found from SHLWAPI What does this er...
