The Old New Thing

What does the COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY flag to CoInitializeEx do?

One of the flags you can pass to is , which is documented as : Trade memory for speed. This documentation is already vague since it doesn't say which direction the trade is being made. Are you reducing memory to increase speed, or increasing memory by reducing speed? Actually it's neither: If you pass this flag, then you are instructing ...

If you're asking somebody to help you, you want to make it easy for them, not harder

A customer liaison asked a question that went roughly like this: From: Liaison My customer is having a problem with the header file winfoo.h. The environment is Windows Vista German SP1 with Visual Studio 2008 Professional German SP1 and Windows SDK 6000.0.6000 German. When they try to include the file in their project, they get an error ...

How do I get the tabbed dialog effect on my own custom tabbed dialog?

CJ observed that the standard tabbed dialogs provide an effect on the tab pages and want to know how to get the tabbed dialog effect on custom dialogs. fds242 noted this as well and wanted to know why the automatic tabbed dialog effect doesn't kick in until you put a static control on the child dialog box. Let's look at the first question...

How do I parse a string into a FILETIME?

Public Service Announcement: Daylight Saving Time ends in most parts of the United States this weekend. Other parts of the world may change on a different day from the United States. The NLS functions in Win32 provide functions to convert a into a string, but it does not provide any functions to perform the reverse conversion. Here are ...