The Old New Thing

The guerilla wedding

When two of my friends were getting married (to each other), there was of course a lot of effort spent on finding the right wedding location. To relieve the tension, when we got together, we would amuse ourselves by coming up with guerilla wedding locations, which was our term for surreptitiously holding a wedding ceremony at a location ...

Your debugging code can be a security hole: Contest tickets

Last year, the Microsoft cafeterias ran a promotion which involved scratch-off tickets and prizes ranging from a free bagel to a new Zune to free airplane tickets. But it turns out that the people who ran the contest left some debugging code behind that became a security hole. As people compared notes on what they did or didn't win, they ...

Microspeak: Whale Boy

Today is the tenth anniversary of Windows Live Messenger. My colleague Danny Glasser provides some history behind the product, and you can watch a tenth anniversary celebration video created for the occasion. And thus is inspired today's Microspeak: Whale Boy. Whale Boy is the nickname for the pawn-shaped Messenger buddy icon. His normal ...

Proto-Microspeak: Coceptualize

Many years ago, to see whether anybody was paying attention, a colleague and I slipped the made-up word "coceptualize" into a document. Nobody said a thing. Either nobody read that part of the document, or they did and thought it was a real word...

Why was MoveTo replaced with MoveToEx?

Commenter Ulric asks, "Where did MoveTo(HDC, int, int) go?" Back in the 16-bit days, the function to move the current point was called , and its return value was a which encoded the previous position, packing two 16-bit coordinates into a single 32-bit value. As part of the transition to 32-bit Windows, GDI switched to using 32-bit ...

The disembodiment of DIBs from the DIB section

So far this week, we've separated the DIB metadata () from the pixels of a DIB section. But there's really no need for the DIB section at all! As long as you have the pixels and the metadata, you can draw bits. We demonstrate this by drawing a rather stupid-looking bitmap onto the screen, but doing so without the use of s at all! Start ...

Caption contest: The pinball machine: Results

It's been quite a while, but a winner in the caption contest has been selected and the prize finally reached its destination. (Mostly due to procrastination on my part. Don't blame the postal service.) The winner is Scott from Australia with his entry Only 5,000 more referrals until MULTIBALL Even though it's kind of low-brow, it made ...