The Old New Thing

The Seattle Danskin Women’s Triathlon 2008

This Sunday will be the Nth annual Seattle Danskin Women's Triathlon (for some value of N greater than 1), the largest women-only triathlon. I learned about this event last year when I saw that the express lanes on the I-90 bridge were crowded with bicyclists, and I went online to try to figure out what was going on. As I clicked around, I ...

The implementation of iterators in C# and its consequences (part 4)

You can breathe a sigh of relief. Our long national nightmare is over: this is the end of CLR Week 2008. We wind down with a look back at iterators. Michael Entin points out that you can use C# iterators to make asynchronous code easier to write. You can use C# iterators for more than simply iterating. The automatic ...