Showing results for June 2006 - Page 4 of 4 - The Old New Thing

Jun 6, 2006

The forgotten common controls: The page scroller

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

The pager control was introduced with the common controls library that came with Internet Explorer 4.0 in order to assist in implementing scrolling menus on the Start menu and Favorites menu. (The Start menu and Favorites menu aren't really menus in the Win32 sense. They are custom controls written to act like menus; the fakemenu sample prov...

Jun 5, 2006

Why can't you say </script> in a script block?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Because it ends the script block, of course. Duh, what's so hard about that? Because if you have script that generates script, you'll find yourself caught out if you're not careful. For example, you can't say in a script block because the HTML parser will see the and conclude that your script block is over. In other words, the script block ...

Jun 2, 2006

What does the CS_CLASSDC class style do?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Last time, I talked about the historical background for the class style and why it starts out sounding like a good idea but when you think about it some more turns out to be an awful idea. The class style is the same thing, but worse, for it takes all the problems of and magnifies them. Recall that the class style instructs the window manage...

Jun 1, 2006

What does the CS_OWNDC class style do?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Recall that window DCs are most commonly used only temporarily. If you need to draw into a window, you call or, if outside of a paint cycle, , although painting outside of a paint cycle is generally to be avoided. The window manager produces a DC for the window and returns it. You use the DC, then restore it to its original state and return it to...
