Showing results for January 28, 2004 - The Old New Thing

Jan 28, 2004

Passenger announcements in the airport

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

While in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport yesterday, waiting for my flight to eventually be cancelled due to weather, then waiting for a replacement itinerary (um, the weather is the same at the destination; doesn't matter which plane you take), then waiting for the replacement to be cancelled also (wow imagine that), I heard an announcement on...

Jan 28, 2004

Another reason not to do anything scary in your DllMain: Inadvertent deadlock

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Your DllMain function runs inside the loader lock, one of the few times the OS lets you run code while one of its internal locks is held. This means that you must be extra careful not to violate a lock hierarchy in your DllMain; otherwise, you are asking for a deadlock. (You do have a lock hierarchy in your DLL, right?) The loader lock is tak...
