Showing results for December 2003 - Page 5 of 5 - The Old New Thing

Dec 3, 2003

Which window style bits belong to whom?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

There are 64 bits of styles in the parameters to CreateWindowEx. Which ones belong to whom? Windows defines the meanings of the high word of the dwStyle parameter and all of the bits in the dwExStyle parameter. The low 16 bits of the dwStyle parameter are defined by the implementor of the window class (by the person who calls RegisterClass). In W...

Dec 2, 2003

The New Old New Thing

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

This is the (future) new home of The Old New Thing. Just kicking the tires right now.

Dec 2, 2003

Which message numbers belong to whom?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Valid window messages break down into four categories. 0 .. 0x3FF (WM_USER-1): System-defined messages. The meanings of these messages are defined by the operating system and cannot be changed. Do not invent new messages here. Since the meanings are defined by Windows, the operating system understands how to parse the WPARAM and LPARAM paramet...

Dec 1, 2003

What are these strange values returned from GWLP_WNDPROC?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC) [or GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC) if you haven't yet made your code 64-bit compatible] is supposed to return the current window procedure. Why do I sometimes get wacko values? Because sometimes "you can't handle the truth". If the current window procedure is incompatible with the caller of GetWindowLongPtr,...
