.NET Blog

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WinDev in Boston

I am going to WinDev this year to give 2 performance talks. Check out: http://butrain.bu.edu/windev/track2.asp (it's from Oct 25 to 29) Below is the description: C5 - CLR PerformanceWrite faster managed code! Learn about performance engineering, tools and issues specific to managed code including: garbage collection (GC), managed code ...

Using GC Efficiently – Part 1

So the goal here is to explain the cost of things so you can make good decisions in your managed memory usage – it’s not to explain GC itself - it’s to explain how to use it. I assume most of you are more interested in using a garbage collector than implementing one yourself.  It assumes basic understanding of GC. Jeff ...

GC Performance Counters

There are many .NET Memory Performance Counters and this is meant to give you some guidelines in interpreting the counter data and how to correlate them. This assumes you have a basic understanding of GC.   First thing you may want to look at is “% Time in GC”. This is the percentage of the time spent in GC since the end of the last ...