.NET Blog

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ASP.NET MVC 5 Lifecycle Document Published

Fresh out of the oven is a PDF document that charts the lifecycle of every ASP.NET MVC 5 application. Many of you have requested this document over the years and we're glad to finally put it in your hands now. You will find the PDF document very similar to the ASP.NET application lifecycle topic in its approach. It's a graphical representation...

OWIN Middleware in the IIS integrated pipeline & StageMarkers

Although OWIN middleware components are primarily designed to run on an OWIN pipeline, it can run on IIS as well. Similar to how HttpModules can subscribe to a specific IIS integrated pipeline event, an OWIN middleware can be subscribed to run at a specific IIS integrated pipeline event. Check out OWIN Middleware in the IIS integrated pipeline...

Web Publish how to automate multi-project publish with file system

The other day I received an email from a customer with a question which I’ve summarized as below. I have a solution containing multiple web projects. One of the projects, _RootSite, is the top level website which I want to publish. It’s an MVC project. I also have other web projects in the same solution. These other projects are apps ...

Writing Web API Client Code for Multiple Platforms Using Portable Libraries

The Microsoft ASP.NET Web API Client Libraries make it easy to write .NET clients that interact with RESTful HTTP services. Unfortunately, until recently the Web API client libraries did not support all platforms. Because of this limitation, developers had to maintain different code, depending on the target platform. The new release of ...

Web Deploy (MSDeploy) how to sync a folder

Today I saw the following question on StackOverflow MSDeploy - Deploying Contents of a Folder to a Remote IIS Server and decided to write this post to answer the question. Web Deploy (aka MSDeploy) uses a provider model and there are a good number of providers available out of the box. To give you an example of some of the providers; when ...

Plans regarding Website projects and Web Deployment Projects

The release of Visual Studio 2012 is right around the corner. If you’ve been following our blog/twitter then you may know that many of the Web related components of Visual Studio are now“out-of-band”, meaning that we can update them independently of Visual Studio itself. Because of this we are planning to ship updates a few times a year...

Visual Studio 2010 Web Publish Updates

Last week we rolled out some updates for our Visual Studio 2010 Web Publishing Experience. This post will give you an overview of the new features which we released. In the coming weeks there will be more posts getting into more details regarding individual features. You can get these updates in the Windows Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2010. ...

XDT (web.config) Transforms in non-web projects

One of the really cool features that we shipped for Visual Studio 2010 was web.config (XDT) transformations. Because the transformations are so simple and straightforward one of the first questions that someone asks after using it is “how can I use this in my other projects?” Unfortunately this feature is only built into the Web ...