.NET Blog

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Portable Compression and HttpClient Working Together

Today we’re happy to announce that we released two NuGet packages: Before we go into the details, let’s first take a look at why compression is particularly interesting for HttpClient. Compression and HttpClient We live in a world where we are permanently surrounded by devices, particularly smart phones. Apps that run on these ...

ASP.NET Web API and HTTP Byte Range Support

Range requests is the ability in HTTP to request a part of a document based on one or more ranges. This can be used in scenarios where the client wants to recover from interrupted data transfers as a result of canceled requests or dropped connections. It can also be used in scenarios where a client requests only a subset of a larger ...

List of ASP.NET Web API and HttpClient Samples

Here is a list of the Web API and HttpClient samples you can find in our samples repository on aspnet.codeplex.com. They illustrate various features of Web API and HttpClient targeting either Visual Studio 2010 using .NET 4 or Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5 with async/await language support. For details on how get up and running with the ...