Showing results for CLI - .NET Blog

Apr 30, 2024

Secure your container build and publish with .NET 8

Richard Lander
Richard Lander

.NET 8 has new security features for containers, including non-root images and SDK tools. Discover how to create non-root container images, configure Kubernetes pods, and inspect images and containers for enhanced security.

.NETContainersCloud Native
Apr 15, 2024

Streamline your container build and publish with .NET 8

Richard Lander
Richard Lander

.NET 8 is a big step forward for building and using containers, with improvements for performance, security, and usability. Let's take a look at some enhancements to the .NET CLI for building and publishing containers.

.NETContainersCloud Native
Sep 2, 2020

.NET CLI Templates in Visual Studio

Tim Heuer
Tim Heuer

If you are a template author for .NET Core templates and have been wanting to show up for Visual Studio users as well with little effort we have enabled a new preview feature for you! Visual Studio now has an option in preview to enable CLI-installed .NET Core templates to display as options in the New Project Dialog experience.