.NET Blog

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Custom validation schema video on Channel 9

In this DevNugget, .net Developer Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie (aka *.net DEvHammer), shows you how you can quickly and easily create and register a custom XSD schema that allows get Intellisense and validation of your schema within the Web Form source view window.* https://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=191714   Thanks...

Web Application Projects is released

Web Application Projects 1.0 is live! New since RC1:   Web Application Projects now provided a similar development style and compilation model as was used in Visual Studio 2003, but with full ASP.NET 2.0 support. For more information checkout: http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/reference/infrastructure/wap/default....

Improve Source View Performance

In case you have observed any slowness in your source view around typing or arrowing through code, here are a few tips that may help. 1. Turn off background HTML validation.  Go to Tools / Options and select Text Editor / HTML / Validation in the tree view on the left side.  Uncheck the Show Errors check box.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ...

Have you installed the new spell checker add-in yet?

Mikhail Arkhipov on our team recently developed a spell checker add-in to Visual Studio 2005 that allows you to spell check the contents of your ASP.NET or HTML page in HTML view.  You need to have Office 2003 installed on your machine in order for this feature to work.  See http://blogs.msdn.com/mikhailarkhipov/archive/2006/04/17/...

Meet the Team – Danny Chen

Hi, I'm Danny Chen, (2nd from the right, grey shirt, next to Pete).  Like Pete, I'm also an SDET for Visual Web Developer.  I've been at Microsoft for about 1 1/2 years.  Prior to shipping Visual Studio 2005, I was on the QA team for ASP.NET.  I really enjoy working with the extensibility features of Visual Studio and ASP.NET whether it's ...

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the Web Development Tools team blog!  Recently we decided to create a team blog to ensure regular content to you from more of our team members.   Who are we, you ask?  Web Development Tools is the team that brought you the awesome Visual Web Developer Express product.  If you haven't downloaded this yet, what are you ...

Large Object Heap

LOH (Large Object Heap) contains objects that are 85,000 bytes or bigger (there’s also some objects that are less than 85,000 bytes that are allocated on the LOH by the runtime itself but usually they are very small and we’ll ignore them for this discussion).   The way LOH is implemented changed dramatically from 1.0 to 1.1. In 1.0 ...

Workstation GC for server applications?

In Using GC Efficiently – Part 2 I talked about different flavors of GC that exist in the CLR and how you choose which flavor is good for your applications, and I said that the Server GC flavor is designed for server applications. As with any performance tuning there are always exceptions – there’s no one-rule-fits-all. Recently I worked...

What do you want to know?

In my previous Using GC Efficiently entries I've basically covered all the big areas of GC in the CLR. There are of course a lot of things to write about GC but I want to keep GC users as my target audience, not GC designers/implementors. So I would really like to hear from you - our customers of the .NET Framework - if you have ...