.NET Blog

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Anti-virus programs can affect VS build performance

We have had complaints from some customers saying that their Web Project build performance with VS is very slow and it turns out that for some of the complaints the actual issue was anti-virus programs running on their machines. So, how do anti-virus programs affect VS build? Please take a look at the following snippet from ScottGu's blog...

ADO.net Data Service reflection class creation in VS2008 SP1 Beta, a breaking change with CTP time

I added a blog "ADO.net Data Service reflection class creation in VS2008 SP1 Beta, a breaking change with CTP time" inhttp://blogs.msdn.com/xqiu/archive/2008/05/13/ado-net-data-service-reflection-class-creation-in-vs2008-sp1-beta-a-breaking-change-with-ctp-time.aspxHope it helps for data service lovers.Xin, SDET in Web Development Tools...

Localizing a Silverlight application

VS Silverlight beta2 adjusted its build functionalities to support the new Silverlight runtime localization model, which essentially is “one language, one xap”. This article provides the steps to take to build a localized app Let us say, you want to localize your app for the culture of “ja-jp”. You have created several resource files ...

What’s new with Silverlight Tools Beta 2!

A number of great improvements and changes were made for Silverlight Tools Beta 2. The following list summaries some of the major changes with details on each below. 1. WCF Templates for Silverlight Enabled. WCF templates are now enabled for Silverlight. If you want to add Web Services to your Silverlight ...

Catch our team at TechEd 2008 – Orlando.

Every year we send a team to TechEds to meet you, our customers. They will be at the event site from 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM to answer your questions from June 3rd to June 6th. This time we have the following representatives at TechEd. ASP.NET Team: Kathy Carper, Scott Hunter, Simon Calvert, Clay Compton, Konst Khurin, Mark...

Error occurs installing Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta if KB944899 is installed.

If you have the first release of KB945140 installed on your system you may run across an error when trying to install Visual Studio SP1 Beta. Likewise if you have any previously released hot fix, VS may not install properly even though it reports success.  The work around is to manually remove traces of KB944899 from your system, or you ...