.NET Blog

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The Conditional Weak Table: Enabling Dynamic Object Properties

The Dynamic Language Runtime allows you to implement a dynamic language (such as Ruby or Python) on top of the CLR. There are a lot of challenges to making everything work right. One particularly difficult aspect was enabling Ruby to attach arbitrary "properties" to instanced .NET managed objects at runtime. If a Ruby developer sets an ...

Why is AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath Obsolete?

This is the first in a series of posts where we discuss the reasoning behind “obsoleting” specific APIs. If you use AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath, or look at MSDN, you’ll notice it’s obsolete.  This frustrates people because the alternative suggested (AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath) requires you to do something ...

How CLR maps SEH exceptions to managed exception types

Managed exception handling is built on Windows OS’s Structured Exception Handling, commonly referred to as SEH (to learn more about SEH, please read Matt Pietrek’s excellent article first). This implies that CLR understands how to interoperate between SEH and managed exception systems, which is a very key point since SEH is based upon the ...

How CLR maps SEH exceptions to managed exception types

Managed exception handling is built on Windows OS’s Structured Exception Handling, commonly referred to as SEH (to learn more about SEH, please read Matt Pietrek’s excellent article first). This implies that CLR understands how to interoperate between SEH and managed exception systems, which is a very key point since SEH is based upon the ...

CLR Inside Out – Understanding the CLR Binder

(image) The May installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN magazine is now available on line.  This month we have an article from Aarthi Ramamurthy and Mark Miller on Understanding The CLR Binder.  It covers some best practices for assembly binding and loading using the CLR. You can find a list of all &...

Web Deployment: Web.Config Transformation

We have earlier discussed about Web Deployment and Web Packaging quite a bit, today I wanted to dive into web.config transformation. If you would like to check out the other topics please read through the earlier blog posts below: Usually web applications go through a chain of server deployments before being finally being ...

ThreadPool improvements in CLR v4.0

Eric Eilebrecht, a developer on our team, has just started a multi-part series on TheadPool improvements in the upcoming CLR v4.0. The first post is pretty fascinating and begins with a brief introduction on thread pools and it's design. The post deals with changes in thread pool's design, due to increasing core counts today. In...

Updated NUnit Templates for ASP.Net MVC 1.0 RTM

ASP.Net MVC 1.0 RTM has been out for a while and I noticed that people are still downloading an NUnit sample project I created for ASP.Net MVC Preview 3. Since then an AccountController class and a corresponding set of unit tests have been added to the MVC Application project. I created an updated set of NUnit templates with tests for the Home...


 System.Threading.ThreadAbortException is just plain weird. For instance, most exceptions happen because of something code did on its own thread: even asynchronous exceptions are caused by something your code did on the current thread. (Note for the nitpickers: gamma rays can cause a bit in memory to flip randomly, bringing about ...