.NET Blog

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Visual Studio 11 Beta Razor editor issue workaround

We found Visual Studio 11 Beta hits a crash bug when editing a Razor page (cshtml/vbhtml) in a MVC4 project or a Razor2 Website if the indenting option for the HTML editor is set to Block instead of Smart. The workaround is to go to Tools->Options->Text Editor->HTML->Tab and change the indenting option to Smart.HTML smart indenting...

Update 4.0.3 for the Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Update (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. This release is no longer supported. We continue to bring certain features through updates to .NET 4 without having to wait for the .NET 4.5 release. This post covers what the latest platform update has to offer. Vivek Mishra from the .NET Servicing team authored the ...

Introducing .NET Framework 4.5 Beta

Update (2017): See .NET Framework releases to learn about newer releases. This release is no longer supported. In September, we released the .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview. The Developer Preview was essentially a “feature complete” release, enabling you to “kick the tires” and otherwise get a good sense of what we were in the ...

VS2010 SP1 + MVC4 Beta workaround for cshtml/vbhtml editor’s long pause

We shipped MVC4 Beta recently, and found it may cause VS2010 sp1 cshtml/vbhtml editor to pause for a long time after typing snippet, JavaScript inside cshtml or vbhtml files, if the MVC4 application has just been created and has not been compiled.The workaround is to compile the project to get the assemblies in the bin folder.  Note, if ...

How to create a Web Deploy package when publishing a ClickOnce project

The other day I saw a question on StackOverflow (link in resources below) asking How you can create a Web Deploy (AKA MSDeploy) package when publishing a ClickOnce project. The easiest way to do this is to use the Web Deploy command line utility, msdeploy.exe. With the command line you can easily create an MSDeploy package from a folder with a...

KB2650605 QFE : VS2010 sp1 VB web form editor may not become editable during debugging

We recently released a VS2010 sp1 QFE KB2650605 to solve a VB editor debugging problem.  During VB web form debugging, VB web form may become un-editable if there are server tags inside.  If you develop and debug VB web forms, you might be interested to download this QFE. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/...

Update 4.0.2 for the Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Update (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. This release is now unsupported. With .NET 4, we’ve focused on bringing certain features to market through updates without having to wait for the .NET 4.5 release. This post covers what the latest platform update has to offer. Vivek Mishra from the .NET Servicing team ...