November 21st, 2023

Fake It Til You Make It…To Production

Martin Taillefer
Partner Software Architect

A few years back, I started an internal Microsoft project called R9. Our goal was to create a robust SDK to accelerate the development of reliable high-scale services on .NET. Hundreds of microservices within Microsoft now leverage this SDK and happily many of the technologies we created have been folded into .NET 8 for the benefit of the entire .NET ecosystem.

We knew starting the R9 project that asking service teams to adopt our technology would be challenging. Teams have a very high quality bar and if we didn’t meet that bar, it might be a long time before they gave us another look, if ever. We therefore put a strong emphasis on quality, establishing a target of 100% code coverage, embracing mutation testing, and adopting a zero-bug policy.

Why we Started Faking It

Since the R9 components generate a fair bit of telemetry, we decided it was critical for us to test the quality of our telemetry. Service teams depend on having the right signals coming from their applications to be able to successfully deploy, monitor, and repair their services. We needed to make sure our telemetry was part of the solution, not the problem.

At first, we were timidly using generated mocks to capture telemetry from our components in ad hoc ways. Although this technically worked, it was ugly. Using this approach usually requires tests to assume the internal structure of the components being tested, which makes tests brittle as they become susceptible to break when the internal structure of a component is refactored. Since it was clumsy to write, we ended up with few tests validating telemetry throughout our code base.

After a while, it became clear that to achieve our quality objectives, we would need to improve how telemetry is tested, which led me to create the logging and metric fakes. The model was successful as R9 developers quickly embraced it and the quality of our telemetry tests improved dramatically. The fakes model caught on within the team, we created several other fakes to help improve both our tests and our customer’s tests.

Time Is a Problem

Anybody that’s been part of a large software engineering team knows the inherent problems caused by flaky tests. Flaky tests are those that generally work, but occasionally trigger a false negative. If you have thousands of test cases, a handful of flaky ones can make it difficult to have a fully successful test run, which in turn makes it difficult to know if changes you’re making to the code base are causing test failures, or it’s merely a flaky test doing mischief.

Most flaky tests are caused by some sort of race condition, and often these races exist purely in the tests and not in the software under test. This happens because the environment in which software is tested is often hacked together, being different than how the software is normally used.

To help tame the race conditions, I decided to create an IClock abstraction. We’d use this throughout our SDK to do anything time related. IClock let us use a fake clock in our tests to completely control the passage of time. Once deployed and used, this dramatically reduced the number of flaky tests in our code base.

At some point, we searched through a bunch of internal Microsoft code bases and found literally hundreds of variations of IClock and associated types to use in testing. Clearly, this was a common problem that deserved some attention. This work ultimately led to the introduction of the TimeProvider type in .NET 8.

Fakes in .NET 8

.NET 8 introduces several fakes to simplify test authoring. In this article, I’ll describe the logging fake, the metering fake, and the time provider fake. We don’t have the space to cover those here, but be on the lookout for other useful fakes such as the fake host, fake redactor, and fake data taxonomy.

Logging Fake

The idea behind the logging fake is to use a custom implementation of ILogger whose job is to capture and accumulate all state being logged in an in-memory buffer such that it can be inspected from a test suite.

You’ll find the logging fake in the Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Testing package.

Getting started is easy, you can just create a FakeLogger instance and pass it to any code that is asking for an ILogger or ILogger<T>:

public static void TestLogging()
    // a plain logger
    var logger1 = new FakeLogger();
    var c1 = new ClassToTest1(logger1);

    // a logger with a specific logging category
    var logger2 = new FakeLogger<ClassToTest2>();
    var c2 = new ClassToTest2(logger2);

Sometimes, code wants an ILoggerProvider out of which it creates its own logger. For those cases, you can use the FakeLoggerProvider type either directly or through dependency injection.

Once you’ve got a logger provider or logger wired-in, anything logged will be captured in a FakeLogCollector object. If you manually created the logger, you can get the collector via the FakeLogger.Collector property. If you used FakeLoggerProvider instead and you don’t have immediate access to the logger object in your code, you can then use the GetFakeLogCollector method to extract the FakeLogCollector used by the logger instances created by dependency injection.

Once you have the FakeLogCollector object, you can do one of these things:

  • Check the Count property to make sure the expected number of log records were produced.

  • Call GetSnapshot to get a copy of all the log records collected in the test case.

  • Use the LatestRecord property to get access to the last log record that was collected.

The most common pattern is to check that Count equals 1, and then use LatestRecord to ensure the logged data is correct. The FakeLogRecord class contains properties to let you access all the state captured with every log record including the log level (debug, warning, error, etc), the category, the message, and the full set of name/value tags.

public static void TestLogging()
    // create a fake logger for this test
    var logger = new FakeLogger();

    // pass the fake logger in to the code being tested
    var c = new ClassToTest1(logger);

    // trigger the code to do some work

    // verify that the DoSomethingThatFails method has logged what it should have

    // only one log record
    Assert.Equal(1, logger.Collector.Count);    

    var r = logger.LatestRecord;

    // should be logged as an error
    Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Error, r.Level);

    // the message should include the text “Could not do something”
    Assert.Contains("Could not do something", r.Message);

    // there should be a “cause” tag with the value “no_support”
    Assert.Contains(r.StructuredState, tag => tag.Key == "cause" && tag.Value == "no_support"); 

Metric Fake

The metric fake uses a similar model of capturing all the reported metric updates and making it easy for you to inspect the resulting state. Since metrics integrate very differently into .NET than logging does, the fake model is also different and simpler.

You’ll find the metering fake in the Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Testing package.

The MetricCollector<T> object lets you record all updates to a metric instrument or observable instrument. Once you’ve created the collector, you can use the LastMeasurement property to query the last update to the instrument or call GetMeasurementSnapshot to get a list of all the measurements captured for the instrument.

There are several different constructors for the MetricCollector class, each letting you specify the specific instrument to collect from in a different way, which tailors to most use cases.

Here’s an example showing how to use the MetricCollector type:

public sealed class ClassToTest : IDisposable
    private const string CounterName = "MyCounter";
    private readonly Meter _meter;

    public ClassToTest()
        _meter = new Meter(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
        Counter = _meter.CreateCounter<long>(CounterName);

    public void Dispose() => _meter.Dispose();

    public void DoWork(string workType, int unitsOfWork)
            new KeyValuePair<string, object?>[]
                new("workType", workType),

    internal Counter<long> Counter { get; }

public static void TestMetering()
    const string WorkType = "Bootstrap";
    const int WorkUnits = 3;

    using var classToTest = new ClassToTest();
    using var collector = new MetricCollector<long>(classToTest.Counter);

    // show the collector has no state

    // now do some work that should update the counter
    classToTest.DoWork(WorkType, WorkUnits);

    // now verify the right telemetry was updated
    var snap = collector.GetMeasurementSnapshot();
    Assert.Equal(1, snap.Count);

    // get the sole measurement taken
    var m = snap[0];

    // make sure the value is what it should be
    Assert.Equal(WorkUnits, m.Value);

    // make sure the tags are exactly what they should be
    Assert.True(m.MatchesTags(new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("workType", WorkType)));

    // make sure the exact set of tags are present, regardless of the specific values they carry

    // make sure at least the given tags are present
    Assert.True(m.MatchesTags(new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("workType", WorkType)));

    // make sure at least the given tags are present, regardless of the specific values they carry

TimeProvider Fake

The TimeProvider type is new to .NET 8 and it provides a simple set of methods to get the current time, get the current time zone, and create timers. This is like functionality already present in .NET, except for the fact the methods are not static. Instead, they are instance methods on a type that’s designed to have both real and fake implementations.

The really useful aspect of TimeProvider is that it’s been integrated into core functionality of the framework. For example, there are now constructors for CancellationTokenSource and PeriodicTimer which take a provider, Task.WaitAsync and Task.Delay now have overloads that take a provider.

If you provide a fake time provider in all those places, you can completely control how time behaves in those APIs. So instead of having race conditions all over your test suite, you can have fully deterministic tests that execute much faster than before (since you can avoid the nasty delays that typically get added to test suites to work around the race conditions).

The fake time provider is quite different than the logging and metric fakes we just discussed. Instead of recording events, the fake time provider is there as a manually controlled clock. Whereas the system provider, which you get from TimeProvider.System, tracks real-world time, the apparent passage of time is instead entirely controlled by the fake time provider.

You’ll find the time provider fake in the Microsoft.Extensions.TimeProvider.Testing package.

The FakeTimeProvider type lets you do the following special things:

  • You can set the specific time that the provider returns to callers.

  • You can increment the specific time that the provider returns to callers.

  • You can set an amount by which the specific time that the provider returns is automatically incremented any time the provider’s time is read.

Controlling the provider’s time is like a superpower. If your code calls Task.Delay with a fake provider and a delay of 1 second, Task.Delay will not return until the provider’s time is manually advanced to 1 second. This can in fact take 1 microsecond or 1 hour of real-world time, that no longer matters.

public sealed class KeepAlive
    private readonly TimeProvider _timeProvider;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    // the normal public constructor which uses the system time provider and so is subject to real-time
    public KeepAlive(ILogger logger)
        : this(logger, TimeProvider.System)

    // an internal constructor used by tests to supply a fake time provider to control the passage of time
    internal KeepAlive(ILogger logger, TimeProvider timeProvider)
        _logger = logger;
        _timeProvider = timeProvider;

        // start a background task that logs a message every second
        _ = Task.Run(async () =>
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), _timeProvider);
            _logger.LogInformation("I'm Alive!");

public async Task TestTime()
    var logger = new FakeLogger();
    var timeProvider = new FakeTimeProvider();
    var classToTest = new KeepAlive(logger, timeProvider);

    // wait 2 real-world seconds
    await Task.Delay(2000);

    // confirm that nothing has been logged yet
    Assert.Equal(0, logger.Collector.Count);

    // now advance the clock by almost a whole second, but not quite

    // wait 2 real-world seconds
    await Task.Delay(2000);

    // confirm that nothing has been logged yet
    Assert.Equal(0, logger.Collector.Count);

    // now advance the clock by another millisecond

    // wait 2 real-world seconds
    await Task.Delay(2000);

    // confirm that one thing has been logged
    Assert.Equal(1, logger.Collector.Count);

As you can see, until the fake time provider’s time is explicitly advanced by the test, the Task.Delay call in the KeepAlive class just sits there and blocks.

Using this general model lets you finely control what happens in any time-sensitive code, turning hard-to-test non-determinism into rock-solid deterministic logic.


I hope this has given you a taste of what it’s like to test with the new functionality provided in .NET 8. These features are designed to make it easier to write robust tests, which in turn should make it faster to get your code into production.


Martin Taillefer
Partner Software Architect

Martin is a service architect in the Microsoft Office organization, focused on COGs and reliability.


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  • Weihan Li

    Thanks very much for sharing, about the logging fake, It seems there’s no Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Test package on NuGet, still internal? And what’s the difference between FakeLogger and NullLogger?

    • Martin TailleferMicrosoft employee Author

      The package is called Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Testing.

      NullLogger is a black hole. Information sent to the NullLogger is simply discarded. FakeLogger meanwhile collects everything that is sent to it and makes it easy to inspect so that you can verify what your code has logged within a unit test.

      • Weihan Li

        Get it, thanks very much

    • Wayne Sebbens

      The docs page lists FakeLogger (etc) in the Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnositics.Testing assembly and package, and that appears to be on NuGet.

      NullLogger seems to be a logger that does nothing; without checking the source on GitHub, it probably just implements ILogger but the methods do nothing.

      • Weihan Li

        Yeah, it is, thanks very much

      • Rafal MzykMicrosoft employee

        is a type that allows you to inspect any logged state in your process. It is useful to write tests that check if specific log lines are emitted when certain conditions are met.

        on the other hand is a no-op. It has convenient static interface, so you can use it always when your test assertions doesn't involve logging checks but your class has ILogger dependency. Using make everything compile with no code being written.

        We were following this pattern with most of our new abstractions, so you can expect to have NullRedactor, FakeRedactor, NullMeter, FakeMeter and so on.

        Read more
  • Maximilien Noal

    Isn’t Moq not recommended at all since it scraps your e-mails from the .git folder without consent ? Why is a security and privacy risk being promoted on the dotnet blog ?

    • Martin TailleferMicrosoft employee Author

      We’re not promoting Moq here, just stating a fact that we had been using it. I’ll clarify.

      • Maximilien Noal

        Thank you for the clarification – and also this blog post, which highlights several new faking capabilities in .NET 8 that I wasn’t aware of !

  • George Karabin · Edited

    Thanks to everyone at Microsoft for these – I already know that TimeProvider will help fix some of my flakiest tests.

    In a similar vein, I’m a fan of the (not from Microsoft) System.IO.Abstractions project. Anything to make testing more convenient will be appreciated by the whole of the community!