November 18th, 2022

Agility SDK 1.608.0: Enhanced Barriers and more

We’ve published another Agility SDK, version 1.608.0.  This Agility SDK has support for Enhanced Barriers, and a few minor DX12 features. That’s right: these features no longer require developer mode to run on your machine!

Head to Agility SDK Downloads to grab it.

Enhanced Barriers

For an overview of Enhanced Barriers, please see here for our Enhanced Barriers preview announcement describing EBs in more detail.

Minor Features

This release contains support for Independent Front/Back Stencil Refs and Masks and Triangle fan primitives (see here for more)

Dynamic Pipeline State: Depth Bias and the Index Buffer Strip Cut Value can now both be dynamically changed after the pipeline is set by using RSSetDepthBias and IASetIndexBufferStripCutValue, respectively. Use of these functions requires that the pipeline was created with one or both of the new pipeline flags:


Each of these functions changes the current state of the pipeline in the command list. If the pipeline state is set again, the values will reflect the newly set pipeline state description’s values, and not the values previously set with these functions.


AMD Driver: Developers interested in getting access to DirectX Agility SDK-enabled AMD drivers supporting this release should contact their AMD Alliance Manager for updates on driver availability

Intel Driver: See here for an Intel driver with support for this release.

NVIDIA: 526.98 has support for the features in today’s Agility SDK release.

WARP support: All features in this release are supported in our downloadable preview version of WARP which can be found here. This means that developers who want to get started on implementing the features in today’s release can started ahead of getting drivers from their chosen IHV.

For more on our downloadable preview version of WARP, see our WARP preview announcement.



Jacques van Rhyn
Program Manager

Senior Program Manager on the DirectML Team at Microsoft.

Bill Kristiansen
Principal Developer

Principal Developer, Microsoft DirectX


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