March 6th, 2007

DevDiv Dogfood Status Update

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

The deployment of Orcas to the DevDiv dogfood server finished ahead of schedule this weekend.  We completed the procedure by Saturday night thanks to hard work from the IT team and key people on the TFS team assisting.  We spent Sunday shaking out a couple of issues with the system and went live for real early Monday.  As of right now, 742 people have already used the server since the upgrade. Yesterday was a bit of a tumultuous day.  As lots of people started using the system, we found a variety of issues.  About a 3rd of them were problems with the upgrade process – steps we forgot to include, data that didn’t get updated, etc. and about 2/3rds were bugs and/or performance issues.  There’s just nothing quite like getting that many people beating on software all at once.  As of this morning all but a few of the issues have been resolved. Other than a couple of bad query plans we have tracked down, we’ve heard some positive feedback about the performance improvements.  Over the next week or so we are going to need to update tools, workspaces, etc to take advantage of some of the new capabilities and do some further tuning.  I expect we’ll hit a few new issues today but I’m hopeful we are on the downward slope of the problem pile.  The good news (for you) is that all of these fixes will go into our Beta 1 release so it’s just that many fewer issues you have to deal with 🙂 I’ll do a more formal report in about a week but I wanted to give you a status update.



Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.