Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

Chicago VSTS user group

Clark Sell sent me the following announcement and asked me to publicize it.  I'm always happy to help bring attention to new and growing VSTS user groups. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System is the best integrated software development platform to build the mission-critical applications that businesses depend on. It extends ...

Round One of Channel 9 Videos is Done

We've recently published the last couple of the first round of Channel 9 videos that Brian Keller taped a few months ago.  Read about it on Brian's blog here: Check out the full list here:

Team Project and Branching Guidance

Among the most common questions I hear about TFS are "How do I structure my Team Projects?" and "How do I organize my branches?"  Clearly both are very related questions.  We've put together some whitepapers to help give some people some guidance on both questions.  You'll find the umbrella whitepaper here: http://www.codeplex....

Update on our upcomming Team System Chat

We've decided to add another Team System Chat today at a time that is more convenient for our Asian customers.  It's probably still not perfect but should help.  The additional chat will be on Friday, April 27th, 2007 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Pacific Time. Add to Calendar | Additional Time Zones Based on participation level, we'll decide...

A new TFS Sidekick release from Attrice

Our friends at Attrice have released version 1.3 of their TFS Sidekicks tools.  These tools are great add-ons to TFS that add great functionality to Team Explorer.  This new version includes a "shelvesets sidekick" and improvements to the labels sidekick.  Download it and check it out.Brian...

Upcoming MSDN Chat on VSTS

Join us for a live chat on Friday 4/27 from 10:00am - 11:00am PDT.  The products groups will be on hand to answer any questions you have about Team System.  This is the first chat since Orcas Beta 1 was released.  Come and find out the latest news.  Sadly I won't be able to be there this time as I will be on an airplane on ...

Migration and Synchronization Toolkit Prerelease

For the past 6 or 9 months we've been working on something we call the Migration & Synchronization toolkit.  It is a framework for building tools that either convert from other systems to TFS or synchronize other systems with TFS.  We frequently think about it as a platform for building tools to migrate from alternative tools - ...

Visual Studio Code Name Orcas Available!

Orcas Beta 1 is now available for download.  I don't think all of the SKUs are available yet - they will be dribbling out over the next week or so but the VPCs for VSTS Team Suite and TFS server are available now.  To a first approximation (the primary difference being minor bug fixes) these TFS server bits are the same ones deployed...

First TFS Best Practices Analyzer Success

We've been working for the past several months on a new Power Tool - a TFS Best Practices Analyzer.  The goal of this tool is to diagnose TFS configuration and operation problems quickly and easily.  As you probably know, TFS is a pretty complex installation and has many places where things can go wrong. We released the first version...

New Fiddler Release

This is my last post for today, I promise.  But Ed Glas (on the VSTS Test team) asked me to help publicize this.  We recently posted a new release of Fiddler - a really nice web test recording tool.  It was not written by the VSTS team but they have started contributing to it because it's a great tool.  You can get it here...