Showing results for September 2017 - Azure Government

Sep 29, 2017

Microsoft joins 500+ Law Enforcement professionals in extending commitment to Public Safety!

Rochelle M. Eichner
Rochelle M. Eichner

Oregon and Washington host annual CJIS training conferences From the opening with the local Color Guard presentation of the flags to the assurance from the CJIS Systems Agencies to public safety, and all the sessions in between, the Oregon CJIS Division Annual Training and the Northwest CJIS Users Workshop and Security Summit conferences were anot...

Azure GovernmentComplianceCJIS
Sep 28, 2017

Power BI Premium generally available for U.S. government users

Miguel A. Martinez
Miguel A. Martinez

With more than 20 compliance offerings, Power BI delivers an end-to-end business intelligence solution while helping organizations comply with national, regional and industry-specific requirements. Today, we are pleased to build on this legacy by announcing Power BI Premium will be generally available for both the U.S. Government Community Cloud (...

Sep 28, 2017

Microsoft extends commitment to CJIS compliance with Maine and Vermont!

Rochelle M. Eichner
Rochelle M. Eichner

Adding Maine & Vermont makes 32 states background checking Microsoft employees for CJIS When you are thinking about CJIS and digital transformation across your government and Justice and Public Safety priorities, you should seek a partner committed to compliance and security today and in the future. At Microsoft, we continue to expand our comm...

Azure GovernmentComplianceSecurity
Sep 21, 2017

Use Case: Region to Region Azure Site Recovery

Pishoy Bous, Azure Technical Specialist
Pishoy Bous, Azure Technical Specialist

Azure Site Recovery (ASR) provides capabilities to automate protection and replication of virtual machines, providing a true Disaster Recovery as a Service Solution (DRaaS). ASR allows for data replication to multiple geographically dispersed regions, which provides a significant opportunity for cost savings while enhancing Business Continuity and ...

Azure GovernmentStorageBackup
Sep 20, 2017

Announcing General Availability of Managed Disks in Microsoft Azure Government Cloud 

Zach Kramer
Zach Kramer

We're pleased to announce General Availability of Managed Disks in the Microsoft Azure Government Cloud. Managed Disks are available in USGov Virginia, USGov Texas, USGov Arizona, USDoD Central and USDoD East Azure US Government regions.  Azure Managed Disks simplifies disk management for Azure IaaS VMs by managing the storage accounts associate...

Sep 19, 2017

Region to Region preview is now available in Azure Government

Zach Kramer
Zach Kramer

We are excited to announce the preview of disaster recovery for Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) using Azure Site Recovery (ASR) in Azure Government. You can now easily replicate and protect IaaS based applications running on Azure to a different Azure Government region of your choice within a geographical cluster without deploying any additional ...

Azure GovernmentCloud StrategyData
Sep 18, 2017

Join us Sept. 27! The Power of Data Analytics to Transform Government 

Karina Homme
Karina Homme

Government agencies across the spectrum are sitting atop invaluable datasets that are locked up because of lack of resources, tools and compliance regimes. Fortunately, cloud-based analytics capabilities are allowing these datasets to be turned into knowledge. Whether it's data about the mission, citizen services or simply data from running large ...

Azure GovernmentAzureMeetup
Sep 18, 2017

Azure Active Directory Premium is now in limited preview in Azure Government 

Zach Kramer
Zach Kramer

We are excited to announce a limited preview of Azure Active Directory Premium in Azure Government! This preview is for customers that have specific compliance needs (e.g., FedRAMP or DoD requirements), and while certifications aren't in place yet, we plan to have them in place for general availability. Getting started To gain access to this lim...

OnboardingGeneral AvailabilityAzure Active Directory
Sep 14, 2017

Checkout Azure Government at Microsoft Ignite! Wednesday, September 27th, 10:45am

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

Attending Microsoft Ignite in Orlando? Join us at our session where we will show how Azure Government can bring innovation to your agency's mission! U.S. Government and public-sector agencies live under a microscope of demands and expectations. To provide innovative services, they need the agility and speed of cloud, but with an extra level of sec...

Azure GovernmentComplianceMicrosoft
Sep 12, 2017

Identity Guidance for Azure Government Apps Now Available!

Bernarldo Ellis
Bernarldo Ellis

Getting identity right is important. On the Azure Government engineering team we receive a lot of questions about how to enable identity in an Azure Government application. We recently released Planning identity for Azure Government applications; which serves as the first of many upcoming articles that cover key scenarios for Azure Government appl...

Azure GovernmentCloud StrategyFeedback