September 29th, 2017

Microsoft joins 500+ Law Enforcement professionals in extending commitment to Public Safety!

Oregon and Washington host annual CJIS training conferences

From the opening with the local Color Guard presentation of the flags to the assurance from the CJIS Systems Agencies to public safety, and all the sessions in between, the Oregon CJIS Division Annual Training and the Northwest CJIS Users Workshop and Security Summit conferences were another commitment to the law enforcement mission.

Over 500 law enforcement professionals gathered at the events to expand their knowledge on Law Enforcement Data Systems (LEDS), National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and other technological solutions available to officers. From the words of Kateri Candee, Washington State Patrol on the Northwest CJIS Users Workshop and Security Summit, What a great event to have the opportunity to have both Washington State and Oregon in the same room sharing ideas and successes from their respective state. I look forward to this event every year.  Great speakers, great location!!”

Microsoft was honored to participate along with representation from the FBI CJIS Division, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and others who are committed to the mission of public safety. Our participation included technology sessions on how and when to use encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other solutions to secure Criminal Justice Information (CJI) and other personal identifiable information (PII). In addition, attendees learned how Microsoft Government Cloud services meet the applicable controls in the 13 Areas of the CJIS Security Policy and how to implement agency requirements and maintain CJIS compliance.

Per Kevin Baird, CJIS Information Security Officer, As the ISO for Washington, I truly enjoy the ability to meet and network with the IT personnel in the criminal justice world in which I work.  The questions they pose during the various presentations are great ways to start conversations about the requirements of the CJIS Security Policy and often lead to practical solutions being offered from peer conference participants.”

“I would like to thank Microsoft for their commitment to meeting CJIS compliance in the State of Oregon, especially for their contributions to our annual statewide training.  The partnership between Government Agencies and IT vendors like Microsoft is invaluable.  We look to our partners to receive the solutions and technical support that ensure that our security posture is first and foremost paramount against actors that want to exploit weaknesses in our Law Enforcement Data Systems.  We welcome all future endeavors with all of our partners both Government and Commercial.” said Nick Harris, Oregon CJIS Information Security Officer.

To date, Microsoft has contractually committed to the applicable CJIS controls and signed the CJIS Security Addendum with 32 states. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Trust Center.

Microsoft is committed to compliance. Don’t settle for anything less!

Implementation Information

For additional implementation information, review the Microsoft CJIS Implementation Guidelines. This document provides guidelines and resources to assist criminal justice entities in implementing and utilizing Microsoft Government Cloud features.

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