Showing results for Video - Azure Government

Aug 8, 2018

How to use containers for data science on Azure Government

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti talks with Phil Coachman, Cloud Solution Architect for Microsoft, about data science with containers on Azure Government. Azure Government has many tools that enable you to build Machine Learning models including HDInsight with Spark Clusters and Jupyter notebooks, ML Server...

Azure GovernmentVideoContainers
May 15, 2018

Custom Speech Service for Government

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti talks with Vishwas Lele (CTO of Applied Information Sciences) about Custom Speech for the government. They start out with some Custom Speech history and then move into highlighting key changes in this space such as cloud enabled computing power for large dataset vocabulary size....

Azure GovernmentVideoAzure Gov Video
Apr 25, 2018

How to use Azure Monitor for Azure Government

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government videos series, we explore Azure Monitor on Azure Government. What is Azure Monitor? What are its main features and capabilities? What sources are relevant? We answers all these questions and more in this demo-heavy session focused on giving you everything you need to know to get started quickly with Azure Mon...

Azure GovernmentVideoMonitoring
Apr 5, 2018

Mobile Apps Powered by Azure Government

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti sits down with Eric Egland and Andrew Ditmer of the Microsoft Global Black Belt team to discuss building mobile apps on Azure Government. Have you ever wanted to get a mobile app up and running quickly but figured it would take way too much time and effort? Eric and Andrew d...

Azure GovernmentVideoMobile apps
Jan 5, 2018

VDI with Citrix on Azure Government

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Microsoft Azure Government video series, Steve Downs, senior program manager, Microsoft Azure Government, sits down with Jose Padin, sales engineering director, US Public Sector, Citrix to discuss Citrix's Secure Digital Workspace capabilities available in Azure Government. During this video, VDI with Citrix on Azure Governm...

Azure GovernmentVideoDeveloper Services
Dec 4, 2017

Migrate user workspaces to Azure Government with Citrix Xenapp/XenDesktop 7.16

Steve Downs
Steve Downs

In October, we announced that Citrix Cloud included the ability to provision non-persistent user workspaces into Azure Government and today I’m pleased to share that Citrix’s traditional on-premises XenApp and XenDesktop products also includes that capability – with the release of XenApp/XenDesktop 7.16.  Provisioning user workspaces straight fr...

Azure GovernmentCloud StrategyManagement
Nov 28, 2017

Azure Government Technical Community

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti talks with Gerardo Saca of the Azure Government Engineering team about the Azure Government technical community. Are you a developer or IT Pro that considers yourself a part of the Azure Government technical community? If not, why not? Steve and Saca talk about numerous ways you...

Azure GovernmentVideoDevelopers
Nov 20, 2017

Identity in Azure Government

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti talks with Bernie Ellis from the Azure Government Engineering team about Identity on Azure Government. Bernie starts out by talking about the three different Identity models and the things you need to know for each of the scenarios.  Bernie also discusses available protocols in ...

Azure GovernmentManagementCompute
Nov 14, 2017

Building Real World Solution on Azure Government with Machine Learning 

Steve Michelotti
Steve Michelotti

In this episode of the Azure Government video series, Steve Michelotti sits down to talk with Vishwas Lele, CTO, Applied Information Sciences, about building real world solutions on Azure Government with Machine Learning. Vishwas describes a solution built for a classified customer in which machine learning is used to provide recommendations on rel...

Azure GovernmentCloud StrategyCompute