Showing results for Recovery - Azure Government

Nov 8, 2017

Empower Federal Employees with Modern Technology

Karina Homme
Karina Homme

In Gartner’s Top Seven Priorities for U.S. Federal CIOs, they maintain that revitalizing the IT workforce should be looked at as an opportunity for CIOs to improve the quality of employees their organization has.[1] One  way of doing this is by modernizing the workforce with new and innovative technology. CIOs can leverage updated technology as a...

Azure GovernmentCloud StrategyCompliance
Sep 21, 2017

Use Case: Region to Region Azure Site Recovery

Pishoy Bous, Azure Technical Specialist
Pishoy Bous, Azure Technical Specialist

Azure Site Recovery (ASR) provides capabilities to automate protection and replication of virtual machines, providing a true Disaster Recovery as a Service Solution (DRaaS). ASR allows for data replication to multiple geographically dispersed regions, which provides a significant opportunity for cost savings while enhancing Business Continuity and ...

Azure GovernmentStorageBackup
Sep 20, 2017

Announcing General Availability of Managed Disks in Microsoft Azure Government Cloud 

Zach Kramer
Zach Kramer

We're pleased to announce General Availability of Managed Disks in the Microsoft Azure Government Cloud. Managed Disks are available in USGov Virginia, USGov Texas, USGov Arizona, USDoD Central and USDoD East Azure US Government regions.  Azure Managed Disks simplifies disk management for Azure IaaS VMs by managing the storage accounts associate...

Sep 5, 2017

Announcing General Availability of Blob Storage (Hot/Cool) in US Gov Virginia

Kyle Deeds, Program Manager
Kyle Deeds, Program Manager

We are happy to announce the generally availability of Blob Storage accounts in US Gov Virginia. The feature is now enabled in three regions including the recently announced US Gov Arizona and US Gov Texas. Blob storage accounts are specialized storage accounts for storing your unstructured data as blobs (objects) in Azure Storage. With Blob Stor...

Azure GovernmentStorageBackup
Aug 21, 2017

Microsoft Azure Enables NIST CSF Compliance: Recover Function

Matt Rathbun
Matt Rathbun

Today, as part of our ongoing support of the Cybersecurity Executive Order, I am pleased to announce the final release in a series of documents on enabling compliance with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) through Microsoft Azure services. This release specifically outlines how to implement the Recover function requirements using the service...

Azure GovernmentComplianceSecurity
Aug 1, 2017

Azure Site Recovery available in DoD and New Azure Government Regions

Sarah Weldon
Sarah Weldon

We are pleased to announce the availability of Azure Site Recovery (ASR) to all Azure government regions in the United States. With this expansion, Azure Site Recovery is now available in all Azure government regions (US DOD Central, US DOD East, US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, US Gov Iowa, and US Gov Virginia). Customers can now select any of these ...

Azure GovernmentAzureStorage
Aug 1, 2017

Azure Backup now available in US DoD and Azure Government Regions

Sarah Weldon
Sarah Weldon

Today we are announcing the expansion of Azure Backup to DoD and additional Azure Government regions. This expansion makes Azure Backup available in all Azure Government regions (US DOD Central, US DOD East, US Gov Texas, US Gov Arizona, US Gov Iowa, US Gov Virginia). Azure Backup can backup (or protect) and restore your data in Microsoft cloud. A...

Azure GovernmentDoDStorage
Jul 21, 2017

General availability of Storage Service Encryption and “Secure transfer required”

Kyle Deeds, Program Manager
Kyle Deeds, Program Manager

*Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Storage Service Encryption for Azure Files Storage, as well as the "Secure transfer required" feature now being supported in the Azure Government Storage account. Storage Service Encryption for Azure File Storage Azure File Storage is a fully managed service providing distributed and cr...
