Showing results for Windows Server - PowerShell Team

Jul 18, 2012

Windows PowerShell Web Access – Installation guide II

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

This blog is a continuation of the post on Basic installation guide for PowerShell Web Access. In the basic installation blog, we configured IIS with the default values used by the Install-PswaWebApplication cmdlet. This is the simplest way to install and configure the feature.   The video below illustrates two more ways to configure IIS &nda...

PowerShell Web AccessWindows Server
Mar 16, 2012

When Windows PowerShell Met Workflow

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Meet the new kid on the block! Windows PowerShell Workflow (PSWF) is the latest addition to the Windows PowerShell family. First, let’s establish the context for the decision to integrate workflows into Windows PowerShell. It starts with cloud computing and Windows-based datacenters. Cloud computing provides a set of highly available, scala...

PowerShellWindows Management FrameworkCommunity