PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…


The other day I showed you how you can use ENUMs.  I showed an example of how you can find all the SPECIALFOLDERs on a system.  Here is a script that I call Mount-SpecialFolders.ps1 which mounts all your special folders as PowerShell drives.   # Mount-SpecialFolders.ps1 # param($Folder="*", [SWITCH]$Verbose...

Explore Your [Environment]

This topic is a little long but I strongly encourage you to walk through it and master the techniques it illustrates.  I can assure you that you'll will use them a couple thousand times in the next couple of years. .Net provides a wonderful class called System.Environment that tells you all about your environment.  It is well worth ...