PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

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Best of Tech.Ed 2006 (BOSTON)
Sep 9, 2006

Best of Tech.Ed 2006 (BOSTON)

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

TechNet has made the provided videos of the top rated sessions of the TechEd 2006 Boston conference available at: http://www.microsoft.com/emea/itshowtime/ My talk: Windows PowerShell: Next Generation Command Line Scripting is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/emea/itsshowtime/sessionh.aspx?videoid=209 Enjoy! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/Aspen ArchitectMicrosoft CorporationVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShellVisit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.mspx

All crosshairs on the same prairie dog
Sep 8, 2006

All crosshairs on the same prairie dog

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

When I lived in Colorado, I picked up the great concept/phrase, "All crosshairs on the same prairie dog".   Damon Cortesi recent blog highlights this principle.  http://dcortesi.com/2006/09/07/windows-powershell/ He posted a blog about the verbosity of PowerShell and within an hour - we had 3 PowerShell people post comments.  We compared notes and there were no comments when any of us responded so he must have had moderation turned on. Enjoy Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/Aspen ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http://blogs.msdn.com/Power...

DateTime Utility Functions
Sep 6, 2006

DateTime Utility Functions

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I often want to find things that happened Today.  For instance, which files got changed today.  Windows PowerShell makes this easy to do but it can be a bit verbose and I do it a lot so I've added a function to my profile:  IsToday. function isToday ([datetime]$date) {[datetime]::Now.Date  -eq  $date.Date} This takes advantage of 2 things: With this you can do things like: PS> dir > t4.txtPS> dir |where {isToday $_.lastwritetime}    Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\ps Mode            &...

BizTalk Server Applications:  Get/Start/Stop
Sep 2, 2006

BizTalk Server Applications: Get/Start/Stop

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Tomas Restrepo has a nice script for getting/starting/stoping BizTalk Server Applications at: http://www.winterdom.com/weblog/2006/09/02/BTSResetWithPowerShell.aspx I like how readable it the script is.  It is completely obvious what is going on.  Compare that script with his original C# implementation at: http://www.winterdom.com/weblog/2005/07/02/BTSReset.aspx   Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/Aspen ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShellVisit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:  http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scrip...

Tip of the Day
Aug 31, 2006

Tip of the Day

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Exchange 2007 has implemented a Get-Tip cmdlet which emits a tip of the day.  Flaphead has written a small script which gets them all and has published them on: http://blog.flaphead.dns2go.com/archive/2006/08/17/3514.aspx.  There are a number of general tips along with the Exchange tips.  Here is an example: Tip of the day #29:Tab completion reduces the number of keystrokes that are required to complete a cmdlet. Just press the TAB key to complete the cmdlet you are typing. Tab completion kicks in whenever there is hyphen (-) in the input. For example:  Get-Send<tab> should complete to...

Writing and Reading info from Serial Ports
Aug 31, 2006

Writing and Reading info from Serial Ports

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PSMDTAG:FAQ: How do I read/write data from a Serial Port? Writing to a Serial Port PS> [System.IO.Ports.SerialPort]::getportnames()COM3PS> $port= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM3,9600,None,8,onePS> $port.open()PS> $port.WriteLine("Hello world")PS> $port.Close()Reading from a Serial Port PS> $port= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM3,9600,None,8,onePS> $port.Open()PS> $port.ReadLine() For information about how to read from a serial port in an asynchronous manner in PowerShell V2, use the DataReceived event on the port object with the Register-ObjectEvent cmdlet. E...

Background &quot;jobs&quot; and PowerShell
Aug 30, 2006

Background &quot;jobs&quot; and PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

A lot of people have asked whegther Windows PowerShell can do UNIX job handling.  The paraphrase an old management salesperson joke, "YES - YOU can do UNIX job handling with Windows PowerShell" (which means you have to do it yourself).  Jim Truher shows you how in his latest blog entry: http://jtruher.spaces.live.com/PersonalSpace.aspx Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/Aspen ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShellVisit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:  http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.m...

Automating Dell Battery Replacement Discovery
Aug 30, 2006

Automating Dell Battery Replacement Discovery

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

MOW has done it again.  Checkout his blog entry which shows how to leverage Windows PowerShell to automate determining which of the Dell laptops in your enterprise need to have their batteries replaced. http://mow001.blogspot.com/2006/08/powershell-has-my-dell-dangerous.html Totally cool.  Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows PowerShell/Aspen ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShellVisit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:  http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.mspx   PSMDTAG:WMI:win32_battery  PSMDTAG:FAQ: H...

PowerShell Namespsaces
Aug 30, 2006

PowerShell Namespsaces

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

A summary of the Namespaces PowerShell defines and uses.   System.Management.Automation System.Management.Automation serves as the root namespace for PowerShell.  The namespace contains the types a developer would use to implement a Cmdlet.   Sub-namespaces are defined for specific sections of the API that are used by specific types of developers.   System.Management.Automation.Host System.Management.Automation.Host contains the types a developer would use to interact with the Host.  The Host manages user interactions and creates the Runspace(s) in which scripts are executed.   ...