December 1st, 2016

Join our first PowerShell Core Community Call – Dec 8, 2016

Joey Aiello
Program Manager

tl;dr: We’re having a PowerShell Core Community Call with the PowerShell Committee and you should join us! Hit the bottom of this page for an .ics and a link to the Skype meeting.

The PowerShell Team loves feedback. Whether it’s fielding your Windows PowerShell suggestions and bugs through our Windows Server UserVoice, answering your quick questions via the @PowerShell_Team account on Twitter, fixing your PowerShell Core 6.0 issues on GitHub, or even discussing entirely new designs–yours and our own–on the PowerShell-RFC repository, our peer-to-peer engagement with YOU has never been stronger.

As part of strengthening this engagement, we’ve had a number of community calls for some of our projects such as the DSC Resource Kit, PowerShell PackageManagement, and PowerShell ScriptAnalyzer. On these calls, we are able to have high-bandwidth conversations regarding your top issues, our initial thoughts on new designs, or even the high-level direction of a project. We’ve found that, while our online feedback channels are great at high scale, sometimes it’s better to just have a conversation between us, the folks most involved with development, and you, the IT professionals and developers who use our products every day.

Today, we’re delighted to announce our first monthly PowerShell Core Community Call. Join the members of the PowerShell Committee to provide your feedback on PowerShell Core, as well as to discuss RFCs top GitHub Issues, our release cadence, and the general direction of PowerShell. Make sure to bring any questions or thoughts that you have about PowerShell Core as we’ll be spending plenty of time addressing them.

As some initial agenda topics, we’ll discuss:

(Note that we want this call to be as useful as possible for all of you, so we’re certainly open to changing the format, topics, or scheduling based on your feedback.)

Join us on Skype or by phone on December 8th @ 9am PST (Pacific Standard Time, GMT -0800):

Join Skype Meeting Join by phone (US): +1 (866) 641-7188 or find a local number Conference ID: 56500606

.ics file

We can’t wait to hear from you!



Joey Aiello
Program Manager

Program Manager at Microsoft for PowerShell Core


Discussion are closed.