As an attempt to spread some holiday joy, Satish Mathew and I wrote the following script. Hope you enjoy it!
– Marcel Ortiz
$notes = write-output `
4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 8G3 1A4 `
4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 8Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4A4 4G3 4G3 4A4 2G3 2C4 `
4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 4G3 1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 `
4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 1F3 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 2C3 8C3 8C3 `
4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 1D3 4D3 4Bb4 4A4 4G3 ‘1E3’ 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 `
1A4 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 1C3 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 1D3 `
4D3 4Bb3 4A4 4G3 4C4 4C4 4C4 8C4 8C4 4D4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 4F3 2C4 4A4 4A4 2A4 `
4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4C3 8G3 1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 8Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 `
4A4 4G3 4G3 4A4 2G3 2C4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 8G3 `
1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 1F3
function Play([int] $freq, [int] $duration)
[console]::Beep($freq, $duration);
# Note is given by fn=f0 * (a)^n
# a is the twelth root of 2
# n is the number of half steps from f0, positive or negative.
# f0 used here is A4 at 440 Hz
$f0 = 440;
$a = [math]::pow(2,(1/12)); # Twelth root of 2
function GetNoteFreq([string]$note)
# n is the number of half steps from the fixed note.
$note -match ‘([A-G#]{1,2})(\d+)’ | out-null
$octave = ([int] $matches[2]) – 4;
$n = $octave * 12 + ( GetHalfStepsFromA $matches[1] );
$freq = $f0 * [math]::Pow($a, $n);
return $freq;
function GetHalfStepsFromA([string] $note)
‘A’ { 0 }
‘A#’ { 1 }
‘Bb’ { 1 }
‘B’ { 2 }
‘C’ { 3 }
‘C#’ { 4 }
‘Db’ { 4 }
‘D’ { 5 }
‘D#’ { 6 }
‘Eb’ { 6 }
‘E’ { 7 }
‘F’ { 8 }
‘F#’ { 9 }
‘Gb’ { 9 }
‘G’ { 10 }
‘G#’ { 11 }
‘Ab’ { 11 }
$StandardDuration = 1000;
foreach($note in $notes)
$note -match ‘(\d)(.+)’ | out-null
$duration = $StandardDuration / ([int] $matches[1]);
$playNote = $matches[2];
$freq = GetNoteFreq $playNote;
write-host $playNote;
Play $freq $duration
start-sleep -milli 50