September 1st, 2011

8 Abstracts for the PowerShell Deep Dive in Frankfurt

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team


We’re super excited about the upcoming PowerShell Deep Dive in Frankfurt on October 17 & 18.

The agenda is starting to shape up nicely, so I wanted to share a number of abstracts submitted by members of the PowerShell Community that we’ve already accepted. You can also find this info on The Experts Conference website.

Cheap registration of 850 Euros is coming to an end on September 6. If you’re sitting on the fence, hopefully these abstracts will encourage you register while you can still save 150 Euros.

And now for the abstracts…

Delegated Administration with PowerShell Remoting
Speaker: Aleksandar Nikolic

In this session you will learn how to set up a fan-in PowerShell endpoint, and then use it to assign specific administrative tasks to the appropriate users and groups without changing the membership of local Administrators group. By using just the IIS configuration files and PowerShell scripts we will enable dynamic creation of customized automation environments.


Get Your Game On! Leveraging Proxy Functions in Windows PowerShell
Speakers: Shay Levy & Kirk Munro

Join Shay Levy and Kirk Munro in this session as they take a deep dive into proxy functions in PowerShell. Shay and Kirk have been working together on PowerShell Proxy Extensions, a powerful module that leverages proxy functions and makes it easier than ever to create these powerful extensions to PowerShell. They will demonstrate what proxy functions are and why they are important, and then show how a little scripting savvy (and a really long script) can make your life easier by allowing you to create everything from very simple proxy functions that extend PowerShell to more complex proxy functions that override existing commands, fixing bugs and adding missing features at the same time, all while leveraging inline help as much as possible.


How to Turn CLI Tools into PowerShell Tools
Speaker: Jeffery Hicks

PowerShell is everywhere but there are still many command line tools in the IT Pro’s toolbox, In this session we’ll look at how to turn just about any command line based tool into a PowerShell tool so that you can incorporate it into your PowerShell scripts and daily management tasks. The power of objects in the pipeline is amazing and there’s no reason not to include tools like NETSTAT.EXE or NBTSTAT.EXE.

  1. The Challenge of CLI Tools
  2. Console Text to PowerShell Objects Techniques
  3. Putting It All Together


PowerShell: 6 Things to Avoid
Speaker: Richard Siddaway

PowerShell is a complex tool that provides many ways to accomplish the same task. Some of these ways are better than others. This session supplies some ideas of things to avoid. It builds on the presenter’s experience of:

  • Using PowerShell
  • Writing and answering questions in the forums
  • Judging the PowerShell scripting games

The things to avoid are:

  1. Not using the pipeline
  2. Not using advanced functions
  3. Not creating objects for output
  4. Not using string substitution and multiplication
  5. Not using the built in constants
  6. Not using remoting sessions

Not using these options will make your PowerShell code longer, harder to maintain and you will spend a lot of time inventing functionality that already exists. The session will be mainly code demonstrations.


PowerShell Anywhere
Speaker: James Brundage

Learn how to host PowerShell anywhere. This deep dive covers how to embed PowerShell in C#, build UI around Powershell, and deploy PowerShell as a web application in Azure.


PowerShell SWAT – Guerilla Tactics from the Field
Speaker: Tobias Weltner

In this session, Tobias Weltner shares plenty of “special PowerShell weapons and tactics” that emerged from numerous trainings and PowerShell projects over the past five years. Learn how little things can make huge differences: speed up code, turn plain folders into self-discovery modules, tap into the Windows API and easily read/write INI files, change screen resololution or dim your video display. Regardless of the area you are managing with PowerShell, this session will provide plenty of tricks, fun and inspiration to enhance and improve existing code.


Production Module Design for the IT Pro
Speaker: Brandon Shell

In this session we will deep dive into the thought process behind production module design. The presenter will explain the reason for choices made for the Splunk Module and his own BSonPosh module.


WMI Query Language – The Language of Systems Monitoring and Management Via WMI
Speaker: Ravi Chaganti

This session will include an introduction to WMI Query Language, including:
Concepts of WMI Query Language

  • Keywords and Operators
  • Demo on using PowerShell to execute basic WQL queries

Building Complex WMI queries for advanced systems monitoring and management

  • Working with WMI associations
  • WQL for event queries
  • Building Permanent WMI consumers
  • Demo

Real-world examples of WQL and PowerShell

  • Demo (Working with performance counters using WQL and PowerShell)
  • Demo (Building Complex scheduling tasks using WQL and PowerShell)


Travis Jones [MSFT]
Windows PowerShell PM
Microsoft Corporation


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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