PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Get-SystemUptime and Working with the WMI Date Format

I just got a quick ping from someone at work for an uptime script.  I checked in WMI with by using Search-WmiHelp to find a wmi class that had an uptime property (Win32_OperatingSystem has LastBootUpTime).  While I had found the uptime property I needed, I was left with another pretty common problem that people hit (in VBScript and ...

PrimalForms 2009 – From SAPIEN

SAPIEN Technologies ,makers of PrimalScripts have added another cool product for Windows PowerShell users - PrimalForms. Check it out http://www.primaltools.com/products/info.asp?p=PrimalForms Thanks Osama Sajid, Program Manager...

Portable PowerShell – Survey

Have you ever faced a situation where you want to do some PowerShell magic on a server - but you can't because it is not installed. Well, Karl Prosser is now building a tool to do that. From Karl's blog... "Portable PowerShell is software that allows you to run PowerShell on machines that don’t have PowerShell installed that you can run from...

Windows PowerShell 2.0 RTM

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 have been released to manufacturing. Both of these products include Windows PowerShell 2.0 and its exciting new features, such as remoting, ISE, modules, advanced functions, enhanced WMI support, and a variety of new cmdlets, plus a ton of other features. We are proud of this release. We thank the ...

Dynamic binary modules

Using add-type and import-module you can dynamically compile and load an assembly without any intermediate assembly files to cleanup. For instance, to run a cmdlet on a remote machine you could send over the cmdlet source code, compile, import, and run it all on the fly. Let’s say you have your cmdlet called Use-MyCmdlet as C# code in the...

URLs for PowerShell Core Help Topics

Several Windows PowerShell online help fans have requested a list of all of the URLs of Windows PowerShell Core online help topics in the TechNet Library. I'm providing them here so that they're available to everyone.   The file includes URLs for the current Windows PowerShell Core conceptual ("about"), cmdlet, and provider help, ...

Free PowerShell V1 Book From the Makers of PowerShell Plus

A number of you are already familiar with Dr Tobias Weltner.  Tobias has been involved with Windows scripting for many many years.  He was very active in the VBScript and WMI communities and then an very early adopter of PowerShell.  He is on of the PowerShell MVPs and the inventor of the amazing PowerShell Plus (I had Tobias ...

Final Approved Verb List for Windows PowerShell 2.0

First, I want to say thanks to everyone who posted suggestions for the verb list on the blog post at http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2009/04/22/soliciting-new-verbs.aspx. In addition to the blog comments, we received a lot of feedback from our MVPs and internal partners. I wanted to loop back with everyone on the outcome of the verb ...

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

I’m watching a cool talk by Greg Kroah Hartman about the Linux Kernel.  He just said something that I absolutely LOVE and feel great kinship towards.  He said that the joke in the Linux community is that “Linux is not ‘Intelligent Design’, it’s ‘Evolution’.  Which means we react to stimuli that’s happening in the...