Showing results for May 2007 - Page 2 of 3 - PowerShell Team

May 18, 2007

Replacing cmd.exe

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

Scott Fulton has an interesting PowerShell article over at Betanews: Why Can't PowerShell Be the Windows Command Prompt? He has a number of great quotes from Ian McDonald. Here are a couple of my favorites: In five years' time, McDonald believes, we'll all be able to look back and identify the "inflection point" where manageability of remote serv...

May 18, 2007

The Virtuous Cycle: .NET Developers using PowerShell

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

I recently did an interview with Thomas Caywood of Redmond Developer Magazine about how .NET developers where finding PowerShell to be a useful tool for their development environments. I was pleased to see that he contacted a number of developers to get their stories and he included them in the article (HERE). If you think about the typical Unix d...

May 18, 2007

Microsoft Compute Cluster now has a PowerShell Provider and Cmdlets

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

Today the Compute Cluster group announced the release of their Tool Pack HERE. This includes a monitoring tool, a ping/pong diagnostic tool and (drum roll please……) a PowerShell Snap-in which provides a provider and a set of commands. I really like what they have done. I've include the text of their about file so that you can see for yourself. Her...

May 16, 2007

Microsoft Command Line Standard

Radhika Tadinada
Radhika Tadinada

The Microsoft Command Line Standard is now published HERE. I wrote the draft of this document (Dean Tsaltas did the editing) to define the operational standard for any command line tool independent of the technology that is implemented in. Clearly the preferred implementation is Windows PowerShell. There is no cheaper way to implement the standard ...

May 14, 2007

RFC: Deprecating Parameters

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Request For Comment One of our partners asked what the guidance was for a product that releases a cmdlet and then decides that they need to deprecate one or more of the parameters in a future release. We don't currently have guidance on this topic so I thought I would tell you what we were thinking of saying and then you can comment about whether...

May 11, 2007

Windows PowerShell: The Definitive Guide

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Lee Holmes' book is now complete and a "rough cut" is available HERE from O'Reilly. This is an early access program where you get access to the book in electronic format before it is completed all the editing passes. The nice thing about this book is that Lee takes a very task-oriented approach to the subject matter (seems appropriate for a tas...

May 10, 2007

MS PowerShell for Linux?

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

ENJOY! "Those that don't understand Windows are doomed to recreate it?"  :-) Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter...

May 9, 2007

TUI – The Ultimate User Interface

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Check out Tom Yager's article on TUI (Text User Interface) HERE. People from every corner of the industry are beginning to figure it out.  TEXT (CLI [Command Line Interface]) is your friend. I'm strongly believe that this is a GUI AND CLI issue not a GUI OR CLI issue.  It was a mistake to think that GUIs ever would, co...

May 9, 2007

PowerShell Podcast on Microsoft Watch

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I had an interview with Joe Wilcox from Microsoft Watch.  The podcast is available at: Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: the Windows PowerShell Scri...

May 9, 2007

Online Training Survey

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Don Jones is running a survey regarding online training for PowerShell and Vbscript.  Please help move the community forward by spending ~ 5 minutes to answer 10 questions at:  Cheers! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Wind...