Showing results for June 2005 - Page 4 of 4 - The Old New Thing

Jun 3, 2005

Why does Windows XP SP2 sometimes forget my CD autoplay settings?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

It didn't forget them; it's just double-checking with you. The developer responsible for CD autoplay in Windows XP SP2 explained it to me. There were two problems with the way Windows XP handled CD autoplay. First, when you installed a new program that included CD autoplay capability, many users didn't know where in ...

Jun 2, 2005

The 2005 Seattle Chicken Tour

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Mark your calendars for the 2005 Seattle Chicken Tour, scheduled this year for July 16th. Seattle Tilths Annual City Chickens and Coop Tour July 16, 2005   10 am — 4 pm $10 per family or group of four Seattles city chickens owners invite you into their backyards for a first-hand look at raising chickens. Discover the variety of breeds...

Jun 2, 2005

If strncpy is so dangerous, why does Visual Studio 2005 still support it?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

In response to the news that is so dangerous, at least one person has called for Visual Studio to revoke support for such a dangerous function, considering the continued support for the function grounds for holding the compiler manufacturer liable for any defects in programs compiled with that compiler. Well, for one thing, while it's true that...

Jun 1, 2005

Why don't you ever see a rat vomiting?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Okay, maybe you never wondered why you never saw a vomiting rat, but the intrepid researchers at the Annals of Improbable Research have discovered that there's a good reason, and Anne's rat page will explain in more detail than you probably wanted.

Jun 1, 2005

Using /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on 64-bit Windows for 32-bit programs

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Probably the biggest advantage of 64-bit Windows is not the larger registers but rather the expansive 64-bit address space. Recall that even when the /3GB switch is set, 32-bit programs receive only 2GB of address space unless they indicate their willingness to cope with addresses above 2GB by passing the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag. This flag means t...
