I’m incredibly pleased to announce that the first batch of Visual Studio and .NET Framework Hotfixes (we call them QFE’s – Quick Fix from Engineering) is available. They are posted on connect.microsoft.com. It will require you to register but then you can puruse the available fixes, read the details of the problems they address and selectively download and install the ones that you choose. For now, you’ll find 9 of the most commonly requested fixes but you can read here about how we hope/plan to expand this over time. The connect site contains some warnings that I think are worth reiterating. We don’t test hotfixes as thoroughly as we test full product releases/service packs. In particular, we don’t test all of the combinations of hot fixes and we only test the functionality surrounding the fix. There’s always the possibility that something seemingly unrelated breaks. As a last resort, the hotfixes are uninstallable in the event you conclude that they did more harm than good for you. I genuinely hope that you find having these available to be valuable and really look forward to hearing success or failure stories and any other feedback you have about this new program. Thanks,