Showing results for VSOnline - Brian Harry's Blog

Jul 9, 2014

Upcoming VS Online Licensing Changes

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Through the fall and spring, we transitioned VS Online from Preview to General Availability.  That process included changes to branding, the SLA, the announcement of pricing, the end of the early adopter program and more.  We’ve been working closely with customers to understand where the friction is and what we can do to make adopti...

Jul 7, 2014

TFS Adoption at Microsoft – July 2014

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Years ago, I used to do monthly updates on TFS adoption at Microsoft.  Eventually, the numbers got so astronomical that it just seemed silly so I stopped doing them.  It’s been long enough and there’s some changes happening that I figured it was worth updating you all on where we are. First of all, adoption has continued to gr...

Jul 2, 2014

VS/TFS 2013.3 (Update 3) RC

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Today we are releasing Visual Studio 2013 and Team Foundation Server 2013 Update 3. You’ll find a complete list of download links in the release notes. This is a “go-live” release and is expected to be the last preview before Update 3 is released.  It will be supported in production, can be used to upgrade production environment...

Jul 1, 2014

Visual Studio Online Update – July 1

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

This week we are deploying our sprint 67 updates.  We've started on a set of small changes to the Agile Project Management experience and you'll see the first of them in this sprint's release notes: Of course, we continue moving forward in other areas as well but I hope these will improve ...

Jun 13, 2014

Are customers a bag of sand?

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I sometimes use an analogy to a bag of sand.  I use it to refer to treating something in the aggregate.  Each grain of sand can be inspected for mineral content, density, porosity, size, color, etc. but usually we just talk about how much of it there is.  In software people sometimes use a similar technique to deal with customers, resources (oh, I ...

Jun 10, 2014

Visual Studio Online Update – June 10

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

It’s time for our sprint 66 deployment already!  Over the next couple of days the update will be rolling out across accounts.  The big news in this update is Pull Requests for Git repos.  Pull requests are a workflow often used with Git whereby a developer makes some changes in a private branch.  They then submit a “pull request” with is essentiall...

May 30, 2014

Wookiki – A Windows store app for keeping an eye on builds on VS Online

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Check out Wookiki…  It’s a Windows 8.1 store app for keeping up to date on build statuses on Visual Studio Online – it has push notifications, live tiles and more.  A previous version had been built with the OData solution for TFS that Brian Keller put together a couple of years ago.  Now it’s been ported to ...

May 28, 2014

Real time collaboration with VS Anywhere

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

The VS Anywhere guys have been continuing to improve their real time developer collaboration capabilities by adding a web experience along side their VS add-in.  They’ve also taken advantage of our new VS Online Open APIs to do so cool VS Online integration.  They’ll be doing a web cast on it in a couple of weeks and I encoura...

May 21, 2014

Visual Studio Online Update – May 20th

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

This week we are deploying our sprint 65 work.  You can read the release notes here: The really big news is that we’ve completed the next step in the journey to fully supporting Active Directory integration through Azure Active Directory.  You can now create a new VS Online account through any of ...

May 16, 2014

Useful stuff on the VS Online Open APIs

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I’m just sharing interesting stuff I run across that relates to the new open apis for VS Online that we announced. Here’s a blog post someone wrote on configuring and using UserVoice with VS Online: Clemens, one of our MVPs, wrote a post ab...
