Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

TFS Shipping Cadence

I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while but somehow the days just slip by and I never find the time. Team Foundation Service If you are a reader of my blog then you’ve been seeing my posts on our service updates for months now.  But let me rewind a bit and start at the beginning. About 2 years ago we began the journey to ...

Team Foundation Service Updates 8/27

It’s that time again!  Today we deployed the results of our latest sprint (Sprint 35) to Team Foundation Service. You can read the release notes here: As usual, it might take a few hours for all features to show up in all accounts. Note, we’ve now got perma-link support for ...

Announcing Git Integration with TFS

Distributed Version Control (DVCS) has a growing following. It enables a set of workflows that can be very handy and Git is an increasingly popular DVCS solution.  Today, we are announcing Git-tf, a solution that enables you to work locally with a Git repo – edit, commit, revert, branch, merge, etc.  and then “sync up” with a central ...

Introducing Kanban

Today, we enabled a new kanban board Team Foundation Service.  Check out the news here for more information about  the experience and how we plan to evolve it. I also wanted to mention that our plan is to include the kanban support in our first TFS 2012 on premises update later this fall.  I’m really liking how the 3 week cloud cadence...

Team Foundation Service Updates – 8/6

Today we deployed a service update with our sprint 34 work.  As part of this, we have introduced a new "News" section on the site.  Here's a link to today's news:  Unfortunately, we don't seem to have a news perma-link.  I'll have to look into that and maybe ...

Some valuable testing guidance

The Rangers have been hard at work lately putting together guidance for good practices for organizing real world test efforts and how our tools can help.  If you’ve got a significant test effort and are using the Visual Studio tools, I recommend checking this out. Test Release Management – covers guidance on managing test ...

Upcoming book on VS 2012 ALM

One of our MVPs has written a book on VS 2012 ALM.  It’s not quite available yet and I haven’t had a chance to look at it closely, but Mathias has been working closely with us for a long time and I expect it will be a good book.  Here’s a link to where you can learn more and ultimately order it when it is available...

Team Foundation Service Updates 7/16

This sprint is the smallest service change in a while.  It was the last sprint for really wrapping up our TFS 11 on-premises work so most of our effort went into that.  I’m expecting that we’ll see a significant increase in new service capabilities over the next couple of months. So, for the most part, this deployment has a bunch of ...

Coded UI testing support for Silverlight

After we shipped VS 2010, we shipped a “Testing Feature Pack” that included support for testing Silverlight 4 applications using UI automation.  Our full intent was to incorporate that support into VS 2012.  Unfortunately, there were so many competing priorities, we just didn’t have time to get it in – and ...