It was a very exciting time this week, with the launch of Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4. On April 12th, 5 launch events took place around the world in Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Bangalore, London and Las Vegas. The video from Bob Muglia’s VS 2010 Launch keynote is now available on-demand.
The agenda for day was VS 2010 sessions, including Windows Development, SharePoint and Office, Dev & Test Collaboration, and Project Management. Follow the “Visual Studio 2010 Launch” tag on Channel9 for more… There are also a number of session recordings available now on The Code Project. Tim, Alexandra, and I recorded a live Channel 9 interview on managed code.
At the Las Vegas launch event, there were many VB keynote and session demos, as well as two Languages-focused sessions covering Visual Basic :
– VNT03: What’s New in Visual C# 4.0 and Visual Basic 10? (April 13, 10:15AM-11:30AM, Grand Ballroom 5, Kathleen Dollard)
– VMS10: Microsoft Visual Basic and C# IDE Tips and Tricks (April 13, 4:15PM-5:15AM, Grand Ballroom 5, Dustin Campbell)
Visual Basic 2010 Resources
There is *a lot* of content live now online. Be sure to check out Jonathan Aneja’s MSDN Magazine featured article: What’s New in Visual Basic 2010. Below are additional key VB resources.
Visual Basic Developer Center Website
Visual Studio 2010 Release | Visual Studio 2010 SDK Release | CodeRush XPress Release for C# & VB | IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4 & IronRuby 1.0 for .NET 4 (Compatible releases for dynamic language interop with VB 2010.)
Visual Basic 10.0 Language Specification
Visual Basic Help Documentation
Visual Studio 2010 Languages Walkthroughs | VB/C# Type Embedding (General) | VB/C# Type Embedding (Office) | VB/C# Office Programming | VB/C# Development with Dynamic Objects | VB/C# “Generate From Usage” for Test-First Development
Presentations: What’s New in the VB Language (versions: PDC08, PDC09) | Visual Basic Masterclass | VB IDE Tips & Tricks
Channel9: 10-4 Series on VS 2010 and .NET 4 | Visual Basic on Channel9
“Visual Studio 2010 “How Do I” Videos | Visual Basic “How Do I” Videos
Visual Basic Team Blogs | Executive blogs on Visual Basic: VB & C# (Soma) | Code Focused (Soma) | VB/C#/F# Language & IDE (Jason) | VS2010 Overview & Series (ScottGu) | VB 10 (ScottGu) | Coevolution (ScottWil)
Visual Basic 2010 Articles in MSDN Magazine: VB10 Overview | VB Variance | VB Initializers | Error Correction | XML Comments
Training: Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4 Training Kit | AppDev Free 2010 Course (VB/C#) | Moving to 2010 E-Book
Visual Basic 2010 Keyboard Shortcut Posters
Visual Studio 2010 Product Information: Press Release | Press Portal | SKU Comparison | Reviewers Guide | Data Sheet | Whitepaper
Visual Studio 2010 Promotional Offers: Step Up Program (until 4/30) | 90-Day Trial Downloads
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