Visual Basic Blog

A group blog from members of the VB team

Visual Basic 9.0 Language Specification Released (Beth Massi)

The Beta 2 version of the Visual Basic Language specification has been released onto the download center. This language specification corresponds to the version of Visual Basic that will ship in Visual Studio 2008. The spec covers the following major new features:• Friend assemblies (InternalsVisibleTo)• Relaxed delegates&...

LINQ Cookbook, Recipe 9: Dynamic Sort Order (Doug Rothaus)

Ingredients:·         Visual Studio 2008 (Beta2 or Higher) Categories: LINQ-To-XML Introduction:You can use the Order By clause to easily sort the results of a LINQ query in Visual Basic. A common requirement for sorted data, however, is that the user be able to choose the fields that ...

A Note about Enums (Scott Wisniewski)

I recently received an email from a customer who had a few questions about "enum inheritance" in VB, specifically as to why it wasn't supported. In particular, he sent us the following snippet of VB code  (I've changed the names of the classes and methods involved)  : Option Strict On Public Class BaseClass    Public ...

Visual Studio Content – Tell Us What You Think! (Beth Massi)

The documentation team has just released a survey aimed at gathering feedback on Visual Studio content. Are you dying to tell us what you think about the Visual Studio content in the MSDN library? Please share your perspective by taking part in the Visual Studio Content Survey. The survey is completely anonymous and doesn't require that ...

Why you should learn WPF (and how I can help)

A few weeks ago I mentioned I was working on a side project.  Well, then the soccer, tennis, and school season hit and..well I won't tell you the rest.  What I had started to do was take all of the samples in Charles Petzold's book Applications = Code + Markup and rewrite them in VB for publication to the VB community. I ...

Customizing Displays in the Debugger for System Types

We've heard feedback from several customers regarding the way certain types are displayed in the Debugger.  Many of the displays exist to maintain the user experience between versions of Visual Studio.  We constantly evaluate if this is the correct choice for a given version of the product.  Starting with VS2008, you don't have ...

Option Strict [On|Off|SortOf]

Yesterday I got a question from a developer asking whether or not we could add something called "Option Strict Warn" to the language.  This would give a developer a warning when using something like late binding or an implicit conversion, rather than disabling it altogether (through an error).As it turns out the ability to set custom ...