Showing results for 2007 - Visual Basic Blog

Dec 31, 2007

Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 6: Joins (Bill Horst)


This post assumes you’ve read the previous posts in this series:           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 1: The Basics           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 2: FROM and SELECT           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 3: DISTINCT, WHERE, ORDER BY and Operators           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 4: ...

Dec 27, 2007

LINQ for the Web Using VB (By Paul Yuknewicz)


Happy holidays!  It's been a long time since I've written a post, so I figure I can bring in the new year answering some great questions submitted by you.  Just this week someone gave me this feedback: "I am having a difficult time finding information to help me adapt to LINQ in my webforms. I am hoping that someone from the ...

Dec 23, 2007

VB Love Song for the Holidays and New Year (By MS Friends of VB)


Here's a holiday present just for you -- in keeping with what has become a holiday tradition on Channel 9 we have Chris Anderson, Don Box and now our very own Amanda Silver singing you a special holiday song.  You can view the full video and sample code here on Channel9 (Thanks Jeff and C9 team!):

Dec 19, 2007

Channel 9 Interview: Brian Beckman Does Higher Algebra with Visual Basic (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

I just posted an interview on Channel 9 with Brian Beckman, Principal Developer (currently working with Erik Meijer), where he attempts to teach me higher algebra using Visual Basic, generics, and operator overloading. Brian is a wonderful person and brilliant physicist and we have a lot of fun with vectors and matrices and VB. I actually think I ...

Dec 19, 2007

Higher Algebra with Operator Overloads (Brian Beckman)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

Recently I did a Channel 9 interview with Beth Massi where I walked through a Visual Basic program that used Generics and Operator overloads to perform some higher mathematics. I thought I'd follow up with a post explaining the details of exactly what I did. Operator overloads with Generics enable some beautiful designs for data types in Higher ...

Dec 18, 2007

Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 5: GROUP BY and HAVING (Bill Horst)


This post assumes you’ve read the previous posts in this series:           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 1: The Basics           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 2: FROM and SELECT           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 3: DISTINCT, WHERE, ORDER BY and Operators           Converting SQL to LINQ, Part 4: ...

Dec 18, 2007

LINQ Cookbook, Recipe 12: Calculate the Standard Deviation (Doug Rothaus)


Ingredients:·         Visual Studio 2008 (Beta2 or Higher) Categories: LINQ to Objects Introduction:LINQ Cookbook, Recipe 11 showed how you can use LINQ queries to perform calculations on sets of data using a set of standard aggregate functions such as Average, and Sum. In this recipe, you ...

Dec 14, 2007

Channel 9 Interview: XML Literals Performance and Namespaces Explained (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

I just posted a Channel 9 interview with Avner Aharoni, a Program Manager on the Visual Basic Team, as he dives into LINQ to XML and XML Literals in Visual Basic 9 and explains namespace bubbling and the performance gains you may see using XML Literals. This is a good interview to pay attention to if you are struggling with how ...

Dec 13, 2007

LINQ Cookbook, Recipe 11: Desktop Search Statistics (Doug Rothaus)


Ingredients:·        Visual Studio 2008 (Beta2 or Higher) Categories: LINQ to DataSet Introduction:You can use aggregate functions in LINQ queries to perform calculations on sets of data. Visual Basic includes a set of standard aggregate functions for LINQ queries: All, Any, Average, Count, ...