Showing results for Linux - PowerShell Team

Jan 10, 2018

PowerShell Core 6.0: Generally Available (GA) and Supported!

Joey Aiello Joey Aiello

PowerShell Core 6.0 is a new edition of PowerShell that is cross-platform (Windows, macOS, and Linux), open-source, and built for heterogeneous environments and the hybrid cloud. First and foremost, thank you to all of our amazing community, especially our open-source contributors (the most recent of which you can find on our community dashboard...

Jun 9, 2017

Getting Started with PowerShell Core on Windows, Mac, and Linux

Ashley McGlone Ashley McGlone

Today we have a guest post from Honorary Script Guy and Microsoft Premier Field Engineer Ashley McGlone, also known as GoateePFE. This is deeper than Coke vs. Pepsi or Ford vs. Chevy. We are breaking down the barriers. Cats and dogs living together. Are you ready for this? What is PowerShell Core? The next release of PowerShell (6.0) was open-...

LinuxPowerShell CorePowerShell Linux
Sep 29, 2015

PowerShell DSC for Linux version 1.1 is Now Available! And New Linux Resources!

Kris Bash Kris Bash

We are pleased to announce the availability of PowerShell DSC for Linux version 1.1. You can download this release here, or grab the source code here. This release implements the following new scenarios: Version 1.1 also includes all cumulative fixes in resources made to date. For more information on this release, please review the DSC for ...

PowerShellDSCDesired State Configuration
May 5, 2015

PowerShell DSC for Linux is now available!

Kris Bash Kris Bash

We are pleased to announce that PowerShell Desired State Configuration for Linux (version 1) is available for download. You can now use the powerful Desired State Configuration (DSC) platform to manage the configuration ofboth Windows and Linux workloads with a familiar PowerShell interface. Bringing DSC to Linux is another step in Microsoft’...

PowerShellDSCDesired State Configuration
May 19, 2014

Announcing Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration for Linux

Kris Bash Kris Bash

For those of you fortunate enough to be at TechEd North America last week, you might have seen Jeffrey Snover announcing Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for Linux!  (If you missed that session, you can watch a replay of it online).  We are excited to announce the initial availability of this feature with the release of a CTP...

DSCDesired State ConfigurationWindows PowerShell Desired State Configuration
